Dr Phillip and I looked for stripers below Watts Bar this morning. We were still looking when we left. Only caught 1 measly white bass the 2 hours that we fished. I did hookup on 1 striper that pulled off. Oh me! Water temp this morning was 49 degrees and 40,800 CFS. There was plenty of bait, birds working, but no fish.
I did get a reply to an email that I sent TWRA concerning striper stocking in the reservoirs. They said that they haven't stocked Chickamauga reservoir, (Watts Bar tailwater) since 1979 because gill netting is allowed on Chickamauga. The stripers that are there come through the lock as barge traffic, boats, etc are locking through. The good news is that they did stock 600,000 stripers in Watts Bar lake in 2006. I need to make a few trips to Loudon dam.emoGeezer
I did get a reply to an email that I sent TWRA concerning striper stocking in the reservoirs. They said that they haven't stocked Chickamauga reservoir, (Watts Bar tailwater) since 1979 because gill netting is allowed on Chickamauga. The stripers that are there come through the lock as barge traffic, boats, etc are locking through. The good news is that they did stock 600,000 stripers in Watts Bar lake in 2006. I need to make a few trips to Loudon dam.emoGeezer