If you want a quick and easy job with great results-try Lucas "Slick Mist" It's a spray on and wipe off with a micro fibre towel. I use it on my truck and gel coat/clear poly flake boat finish boat paint and Merc cowling.
I you want to get down to it use Mother's carnuba paste wax and spend a couple of hours. That will last a good while longer.
Meguires liquid wax in a maroon or purple bottle. Its a cleaner and wax (carnubra ??) and lasts about 6 months or so, I just did the car and PU, just the wife's mini-van left to do.
Used Meguier's Ultimate on my eight year old truck. Very pleased with the results, and ease of application. I'll know near year how well it holds up. Used to use Meguier's red cleaner wax, a lot more work than Ultimate.