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Depending on which unit you have:

Press WPT-New-ENT-Select Entered Position-ENT-Move cursor to right to highlight Create-ENT- A screen will pop up with various selections-Move cursor to right and highlight Latitude-ENT-Move cursor to right to enter numbers using up and down arrows. After latitude is entered press ENT. Now move cursor down to Longitude and enter numbers the same way then press ENT.

While on this screen you can name, choose symbol etc.

If you have a handheld just press WPT-select entered position and follow same procedure as above.
not trying emoHijack ......but sort of related.
when I got my 332c about 3 years ago...I bought the Mapcreate package...which I love.... but it said in the instructions the you would be able to transfer waypoints from you memory card in the unit to your Mapcreate program on your PC. After trying to do this I called and talked to a tech at Lowrance about it . He said that originally it did....but they had encountered some problems and hadn`t been able to get it fixed yet.
Does anybody know or has anyone been able to do this function.
I think it would be a big help in planning your "milk run" for a tx or days fishing if you could do it on your PC by reviewing your waypoint without having to do it on the unit itself.
Just curious if any body knows of progress on this issue ??
I've never had a problem taking way points from an SD card or file and displaying them in any MapCreate program. With the program open click on open, data file, new and select the location where the waypoints are stored. The only problem you may run into is the old waypoint file extensions were .low and the new ones are .usr but it will still work.
SNUFFY - 1/10/2008 5:35 AM

not trying emoHijack ......but sort of related.
when I got my 332c about 3 years ago...I bought the Mapcreate package...which I love.... but it said in the instructions the you would be able to transfer waypoints from you memory card in the unit to your Mapcreate program on your PC. After trying to do this I called and talked to a tech at Lowrance about it . He said that originally it did....but they had encountered some problems and hadn`t been able to get it fixed yet.
Does anybody know or has anyone been able to do this function.
I think it would be a big help in planning your "milk run" for a tx or days fishing if you could do it on your PC by reviewing your waypoint without having to do it on the unit itself.
Just curious if any body knows of progress on this issue ??
SNUFFY, I may have misunderstood what you were trying to do.

To manually add a waypoint using MapCreate:

Open MapCreate
Click on “File”
Open GPS Data File
Ex. If SD card is in drive “E” select drive “E” and select the data file containing WPTS
WPTs will now be displayed on the map.
To see list click on View and select Way Point List. WPT list will now be below the map.
To manually add a WPT click on Insert and select WPT.
Now manually type in coordinates, name select symbol, etc and click OK.

Make sure when you exit that you save changes. Always, always keep at least two copies of waypoints in case you make a mistake.

Hope this helps.
Nwright ..it`s been a couple of years since I tried it.....I`ll have to get pea-brain focused in and give it another try with your instructions.
thanks !!
Good info. but my heads killing me just from reading it.

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