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Well-known member
May 7, 2006
I've not been on here in awhile, lots going on and down in my back so I not been fishing much.
What we need help with is, a fellow fisherman's 21 year old son had a wreck 10-12 weeks ago and broke his neck. He is now confined to a wheelchair. He may get the use of his arms someday but his legs we do not know .If he does it will take some time.
Some of us fisherman decided to build a handy cap ramp and in the process of getting it together we decided to build a deck on if we could. Cory likes to be out doors and this would give him some place to go besides being in the house 24/7. Also he has to have a bedroom and a bath. So we are inclosing a screened deck and making a bedroom for Cory. We are also trying to get a 10'x12' handy cap bath built. As you can see this has turned into a good size project. I know you folks have helped others in the past and I hope you can help Cory!
The Baptist Church Outreach Program donated the material for the handy cap ramp. Tindells Building Materials donated half the material for the deck plus others have donated like Larry Hill Ford,Pioneer Credit,Athens Federal Bank and other private donations. Scott the owner of east Chattanooga lumber has donated the framing material and some other items for the bath room. I personally would like to think them all !!!!
Here is what we need help with. We still need about $1100.00 to pay off the cost of the deck. Any money collected beyond that will be given to Cory's Mom and Dad to pay for other building cost. Any donations will be welcome regardless of the amount. Make any checks out to Rick Nease Const. and mail to:
John Boyd's Custom Woodworks
1014 White Oak Rd. NW.
Cleveland, TN. 37312
The second thing we need is some framing carpenters to help build the handicap bath. Cory will be home July the 29th. We have had alot of helpers but very few carpenters helping on the deck and ramp which has been fine but could use some help to get this done and let them start on the inside. The location is over by Red Clay State Park. WE will be working on it This Friday,Sat. & Sunday. We still have some work on the rest of the job to do. If you can help call me at 423-413-8355.


If this can be put where more will see it please do.
As you well know John, I have no construction experience. Couldn't cut a straight line with a saw if I wanted to, but I'll be up there Saturday to do anything I can.