Weird Tilt/trim issue

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2008
Charleston TN
This is sort of weird but I think I know what is happening and just want to see if anyone else thinks it might be the case.

My tilt/trim will work perfectly for hours. No issues. Then suddenly it wont do anything. I have rewired the clips to make sure it is getting good contact.

The engine is an Evinrude Ficht (I know, I know) any way it has a power distribution panel that I think may be the issue. As the engine heats up I think it is building up heat in the power distribution panel and is causing the relays to fail. Once it cools back down and I swap them around it works fine again.

Power Distribution Panel with relays in place.

Power Distribution Panel with relays removed.

See the yellow circle. It looks like the relay pin hole is burned.

The tilt/trim works great until the engine runs for awhile and heats up, which leads me to believe that the power panel is building heat. Although it works when cool, it won't do crap when hot. I think it may expand the relay pin holes and is loosing contact.

Does this make sense to anyone else?