Weiss Lake Crappie 03/25/07

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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2007
Villanow, GA
Tommy and I decided to take a few mid day hours to make a quick trip for crappie on Weiss.

From this point forward Tommy will be referred to as ****! I have called the firery Italion rascal **** for 20 + years. We have duck hunted together since we were kids. **** is a much better fisherman than me! He has always crappie fished the White River in Arkansas while most normal folks went deer hunting!

We went to Weiss last weekend, and I did not keep count, but I flat more COVERED him up in crappie numbers!

Now bare with me here, the report will follow, with pictures. This is a report that has a story which must be told!emoLaugh

We started fishing at around 10:00am......

I pulled up to what I call Black Crappie point, and caught one on my second cast!! Which I followed the hook set with a......"There he is, get the net ****, open the ice chest ****"

We then went to a favorite dock and were fishing the EXACT same spot!! I would catch a fish every three or four cast, while **** did not get a hit! We had identical jigs, line, presentation, ect....

The "There he is, get the net ****, open the ice chest ****" happened many times in the first hour!

The day goes on......It is now 1:00pm, and **** has yet to boat a crappie, and to say the least, he is TORE up!

Now as good Buddies will do, I had to take a *** at him!!!emoBigsmile

I ask...."Hey ****, are there any fishing schools around Huntsville, AL? Where maybe you could go and learn how to catch a crappie, and improve your skills?"

I cannot type his answer as this is a family forum!!

At 1:04 PM I heard **** say....."There he is, get the net Jack!"

I boat his first crappie of the day and watched him......

Drop his rod in the bottom of the boat, look up to the sky, as almost saying thank you to the Heavens!!

After another two hour of fishing, it was easy to keep count on the fish, **** caught two more with a total of 3 for the day. The sucker was just snake bit!!

The old saying....Every Dog Has His Day fits here!! I had mine crappie fishing with a long time friend, the total count was 38 keeper slabs. And only as really good freinds can do, I have had some fun with this one!! **** is demanding a re-match!!!

Official report.....

Casting Kalin's jigs in 5-7 foot of water. Flippin' docks and casting to brush piles. Water temp was 66 degrees at the start, and 70 degrees at the end! Worked the jigs VERY slow, and the bites were VERY light! Actually fished the jig like a texas rigged worm, and got most of the hits while the jig was still, not moving.
I've seen things like this happen time and time again. Good catch down there at the Weiss. Good looking fish. Oh, BTW, emoWelcome from the drumking.
Weiss, especially after the crappies move back away from the banks after the spawn, is a great lake to shoot the docks. I do that at JR's docks, and catch numerous 1-3 lbs. slabs. I am hoping, before too long, to get down there. I need crappies for the freezer.

Great to hear that you got one up on your friend, Jack. Those are some beautiful slabs.
Great Story and Report Jack! I think I remember some of the landmarks you mentioned - just makes me want to go back sometime soon. emoThumbsup