Well-known member
The S&K Sporting Goods Tournament Trail held its Classic event on Lake Weiss Oct7th. My Dad and I have teamed up in this trail for years and really love to fish Weiss Lake. On Friday we found the fish really skidish and not on much of anything, lots of small fish bit fairly ok. We did key in on the slow bite and much to my displeasure had to slow things down for Sat. We started out the Tournament morning with Topwater and did find that those dinks where still on a tear....did limit with 5 small one in the 5 lb range in the first 30 mins. As the day moved on small on contiuned to plauge us.. only culling for ozs. at a time. We finally switched to slow cranking on the WINDY channel and culled out one for a 3.28 spot. After losing what we think was a big fish on jig out there, we moved to shallow wood in a protected area and did cull out a small keeper with a 5.22 lb LM Dad caught on a jig. At that point it was 2.00PM and we had 2 hours to get another good one, but you guys know how fishing is right? Only small fish the rest of the day. We did manage 4th Place with 12.34 lbs and second BB getting beat out by a 5.47 LM taken by the Winning team of Steelman and Kendrick with 18lbs total.
2) Patterson/Hampton -15+lbs
3) Ogles/Rogers 13+lbs
4) Hill/Hill 12.34lbs
5) Worthington's team 11lbs
Big Fish) Steelman/Kendrick 5.47lber
2nd BB) Hill/Hill 5.22lber
Had a great year fishing with my dad agian, just wish we could stop snorring so I could get some sleep!!!!!
2) Patterson/Hampton -15+lbs
3) Ogles/Rogers 13+lbs
4) Hill/Hill 12.34lbs
5) Worthington's team 11lbs
Big Fish) Steelman/Kendrick 5.47lber
2nd BB) Hill/Hill 5.22lber
Had a great year fishing with my dad agian, just wish we could stop snorring so I could get some sleep!!!!!