Well done...

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Wet Willie

Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
Ringgold, Ga
guys. I have heard nothing but praise for the job you boys did Saturday. I apologize for my lack of assistance, as we were late getting down there. What I did see looked to be effective and appreciated. Also, I want to welcome Earl and Ron to the committee as I feel they will be great additions to an awesome team. In fact, it makes it easier for me in announcing that I am stepping down from the committee. I cannot commit to the necessary time requirements and I don't like being half way involved in something that deserves more than I can give this year. It's an honor to know you all and I hope to fish several of the CFF events. I truly appreciate the effort that it takes to make this trail a success and I am confident that you will fulfill the satisfaction of all the anglers that participate. It's been a pleasure to be involved and if I can do anything for any of you, please call. Thanks guys and good luck. Al
Yea that was almost on the verge of being homo.....

emoBigsmile Love ya AL! I know you got a lot going on brother and I wish you all the luck and love in the world! We have to fish a couple of things together this year. If not....I'll eat you. And I'm not even joking,
elwestb - 2/22/2010 5:20 PM

Well crap! Don't leave!

Really Al! Anyway I look forward to helping out all I can, I strongly beleive in helping to keep these tourny's fun and relaxed, that's what got me back into fishing tournys again.
Not thin skinned, so if you have an opinion- I'll listen.
Al, don't be a wuss. If I show up, you and I can stir trouble for these guys...but with authority. :)
Billy, I ain't tak'in no crap! I already told ya'll I'm pack'in heat! Besides, I'm on the "thang" now and we'll all vote you off the Island! I'll call Donald and you'll be fired! So there! Besides, If Willie is gone, who am I gonna talk Alabama football with! Looking forward to it! And again fellows, just tell me what to do, but go easy on us "Rookies"!

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