Ok the past few weeks i have been wanting to go to the harisson bay area and fish, or in that area. I not familyer with that lake at ALL and im affraid (yes im man enough to say it lol) that i will find a sand bar or 5. Plus i have no clue were to even go on that lake. Im asking if someone would accompany me on my boat, or ur boat to go fishing for a day and kinda try to help me out to get me familyer with that area, so i dont go out and get in trouble . Im out of town most of the week, im home on mondays and tuesdays so if anyone would like to go fishing and not have to put gas in ur boat for a day please give me a holer and if u live in the cleveland area i will be more then glad to pick u up. Thanks for all the help yaw members have given me, and FA good luck on the baseball this week.emoThanks