I wasn't sure I wanted to go today with all the nuts on the water I would see. Sure enough the first nut I bumped into was stump jumper.emoPoke He was leaving and told me it was cazy out on the main lake. It was good to see him again, I had not since the picnic. Sure enough the lake was wave after wave, boat after boat. I decided to try and find my schoolers and at first I did not. Finally I pulled out a little deeper and sure enough they were still there. I caught a total of 23 that I got in the boat, three keepers and fished several areas like that one and seemed to pick up a couple at every stop. Came around one corner and ran head on into Bassbullet, she was taking a nice one off a C-rig as I saw her. Right than one hit my top water and we had a double.emoBigsmile Shot the breeze with her a while and she told me about her big Tx she had just recently got back from. Boy, just one out of the money. All in all it was a nice evening but the other boats did make it hard to fish and fight the waves. I'm heading out again in the morning with fishenvol. Keep'em wet guys.emoCool Jmax