What should I get

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Hiwassee Angler

Well-known member
Feb 4, 2008
I am looking to maybe buying a ripcord drop away rest and a PSE string stopper. Has anyone ever used these? I am shooting a PSE Stinger with a whisker biscuit right now. Will the ripcord increase my accuracy?
I like the Drop aways Ripcord is one of the best, and yes my groups tightend especially at longer yardages. The drop aways seem to be more forgiving in regards to hand torque on the bow. When I went from the bisquit to a Drop I noticed the difference right away. You will like them
You just need to go to an archery shop and put a drop-away on it to see how you like it. I used a bisquit for years with no problems. Switched to a drop-away to gain a few more FPS. Liked it fine and shot great groups with it, just never got as comfortable as I was with my bisquit, so I switched them back out
Can't go wrong with either the ripcord or a QAD. The QAD ultra hunter is a great rest for the money.

Any brand of string stopper should do the trick. But after you put it on you will wonder how you ever did without it.

Get that bow setup and get to shootin!! Be time to climb a tree before you know it.
I have the QAD on my bow and love it. I had a capture rest on there before and started noticing wear marks on the fletchings, which was really messing up the flight path. I'm shooting tighter groups now from every distance.

One thing to keep in mind when switching from a biscuit to a drop away is to make sure your arrows are the right weight for your bow setup. Mine were a little light when I first switched and caught a lot of noise when the rest dropped. I switched arrows (I was originally shooting the thin diameter arrows) to a standard size and was able to keep all of my target/broadheads at the same grain.
I've heard that in really cold weather the whiskers freeze, but don't have anything to back it up since I've never used one.
i bought a drop away, grants put it on and set everything up for me,went home and shot bout 50 arrows through it, got in my deer stand and a 4 pt. walked out from behind me, i stood up drawed and the arrow kept falling off the drop away due to the steep angle of the deer being under me. took it off put my whisker back on and its gonna stay,,why mess up your bow just to gain a few fps if its hitting good,its not gonna speed it up that much anyway..just my 2 cents worth..been there done that and didnt like it