What's everyone having for lunch?

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one of the girl's at the office went to Western Sizzlin' for us.....Im about to dig into some beef tips with peppers & onions and a nice baked tater!! YUM!
EricM - 10/22/2008 2:00 PM

Wife's got me on a diet. I had cardboard, some kind of grass, and a tasty glass of water!

Careful...a diet like that could cause "intermittent irregularity" with bouts of "spontaneous extreme regularity". emoEek
Well I went to the sonic and picked up 2 bacon, egg, cheese toaster sandwiches with mayo and took them home and sliced up a home grown tomatoe on them with salt and plenty of pepper, then had a glass of squeezed orange juice to wash it down. This was a late breakfast, I am going to an auction in cookville this evening and I guess I will eat a hot dog or something edible at the auction., should be home around midnight.
ole blue - 10/22/2008 3:01 PM smoked deer


bent rod - 10/22/2008  2:56 PM</p>

  We ended up with turnip greens, pinto beans and bacon. Sometimes it sucks being poor and sometimes it doesn't. Today the wife made it OK!

 Yall two should'a got together........mmmmmmmm..mmmmmmmemoHungry </p>
I had a cold cabbage and carp sandwich, with a side order of salty boiled toenails. emoHungry emoBigsmile j/k i just woke up....whens breakfast?

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