Whats in your Winter tackle box?

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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2006
Change of seasons, bring changes in what we toss at those Bass. I thought it would be good to hear what others prefer in the winter time. </p>

Last year I was introduced to the Shakey Head method and it proved to be a GREAT winter technique. Silver Buddys, and Jiggin Spoons along with a small Hair Jig, did me pretty well last year. </p>

So what do you use in the winter?
matches so if i get cold i can go to the bank and start a fire and 45 # of clean dry clothes(ya'll ever fell in when the water temp is 30?)
and jigs,spoons,jigs,jigs, and a few more jigs
Well, I have never fished in the winter time where it is cold, so this will be my first year. </p>

I bet you will find some stankin skip jacks, and chicken breast, along with some jigging sppons to fight away boredom when things are slow. I also keep a couple spoons and spinners handy in case any fish get in the jumps near-by. Cheez tried to help me out, and thought he was putting a baby blue cat in my bag Saturday, but it turned out to be team-d's bag...
...sorry Matt, that is too funny!</p>
depends on which tackle box... In the boat I'll carry crappie jigs, sauger jigs, rat-l-traps, spoons, jigs, crankbaits.... Heck my boat is my tackle box! I'll fish for whatevers biting!
I dont start until after Deer Season so Mid to late January till spring, I like DJW jigs, Ratl traps, and Grubs.
<font color="#6600ff">Hair jigs, leadheads with grubs, stuff that is easy to fish and falls real slow.....I was fishin shakeyheads long before we knew what to call that style of fishing....Gosh, am I getting old???