Where's the catfish 10/2/2006

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Jul 28, 2006
Eagle Bluff Golf Course
Got a late start Saturaday morning and got to Sequoyah around 9:15am.
Kinda deademoScratch caught only three fish and they were all small. Watched foodsaver and his dad pull in one about 37 lbs.emoWorthy
Did anyone do any good this weekend on catfish? With the wind, it was tough.emoBang Remember everyone, catfish tx. Sunday.
I had clients Saturday AM and all day Sunday. My report would be "average," or below average. We caught about 10 or 12 fish saturday AM... nothing real big. All-Day fishing Sunday (2 boats) we had 20-25 fish total.... biggest was 16 lbs. Hard day fishing but they went home with at least 150 lbs. of fish. I think they were happy... and will probably be complaining by the time they're through cleaning fish. I've got a couple of photos from Sunday, but nothing worth staying awake for.

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