Which color optima for trolling?

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Sear's Auto has great marine deep cycles that are AGM and I use them on trolling for my boat and hardly ever takes long to reach a full charge after use.
Year old now!

Also on the Optima's they are big batteries and if you have battery trays make sure they fit first
My vote also goes to the group 31 AGM's for starting and trolling. Check the numbers for reserve capacity, CCA and MCA between the Optimas and the group 31 AGM's for the Sears Diehard Platinum, Cabela's, Deka, Odyssey, etc. In most cases the warranty is better than the Optima as well. JMHO.
an optima doesn't have nearly the capacity as my Interstate SRM-29. I looked at Optimas too, but they couldnt touch the Interstate. I got a blemish for $49 from Interstate near the airport
I went through 4 Interstate batteries in 27 months! You can have them as far as I'm concerned. I wish you better luck with them than I had. They prorated the warranties for me but I could have bought new batteries for about the same price. When I went back to have them check the ones that they had replaced, because that were showing signs of weakness in less than year, they wanted to prorate them again! I told them no thanks and bought two blue Optima's. The only other batteries that I would look at are the big Sears Platiumn Marine and the Marine Delcos. That's my 2 cents!
My interstate has been flawless. I have had to add water twice but it's a strong battery. I've heard a lot of interstate owners complain about water, but for $49 I can deal with adding water occasionally.
With the optima you can use yellow or blue for the trolling. You want the big ones not the little ones
I would recommend a freakin duracell flashlight battery over an Optima. They are terrible batteries. Save your money and buy something else. The Die Hard platinums are awesome.
I just had to replace mine on my boat and I did some homework. Yes the optima is a good battery, it is a sealed gel battery but the price is just too much. I went with the AC Delco Voyagers. They had more reserve time and a better warranty than other batteries in that price range (100-120.00 each). Weigle said it right. The longevity of the battery will depend on how well you take care of it, check the water in them and keep them filled up and they will last. The old batteries in my boat I just replaced were almost 4 years old!!!

Speaking of Duracell, they are making or are going to be making marine batteries from what I hear. I'll be curious to see how they perform vs some of the other brands and what the price range will be on them.
I have optimas in everything I own and my boat batteries are two year old and I haven't had one problem out of any of them and I have 10 of them and they are all blems that cost 80.00 each
A friend of mine in ringgold has them the blems are 80.00 and if he has some I think the new ones are 100.00 his name is Dirk Carter 423-667-0008
I had a yellow optima in my 4Runner. One day I opened the hood to check my oil and discovered that my battery had slid into the fan belt. The battery was mangled, missing almost one of the 6 cells. I had no idea it had happened because the battery kept chugging along. They're awesome, just not awesome for motors that don't have an alternator.

There are only a few battery manufactures around which make the same batteries with different label. I think Johnson Controls makes most all of them, including optima.

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