whisker biscuit size question

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2008
old fort,tn,,,now in wisconsin
question,i use a 6075 carbon express arrow,do any of you guys use a biscuit? if you do what size biscuit do you'all use ? small or medium? i 'm using a medium,seems to be groupng the arrows ok but it seems to be wearing a little and a few of the whiskers are out of shape?? emoScratch
sounds like it is fine those things will wear a lot if u go with the smaller one it will be worse more than likely next its gonna start ripping ur veins or fletching off......thats why i got rid of mine ......u should try the q.a.d. drop away....by far best rest ive ever used....just mt opinion though
i just put it on this year,i'll give qad a try when it wears out,,,,,this morning i had 4 deer at 23 yds,2 does 2bucks,one was a nice 6,went to draw back on them dang tree kept me from full draw,big 6 was watching nothing i could do be let it walk,i'll move my stand tomorrow,,maybe i can wack'um!!!!

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