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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2014
When I pulled up CFF this morning, 3/4 of the advertisement that met me was for the Mormon church. If the Muslim religion wants to buy all the advertising space available on CFF and print nothing but Surah 23:91 will that be ok too? If you're gonna be Christian, be Christian. If you're gonna COEXIST I'll leave. It's one thing to allow someone to express their beliefs in the forum. It's totally different to take money to allow subversive advertising.

Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
I can guarantee one thing, the same add popped up on my work computer and theres never been any searches of anything to do with the mormon religion. Just sayin...
derek81 - 4/16/2014 11:56 AM

The advertisements feed off your browser history.....

Only a small percentage of what you search for would ever show up in an advertisement. They simply add things on their own whether you searched for it or not.
I see it now. I just now several of them are based on your history, like the one above the calendar is always something I have recently searched.
Weird, been on here forever and have never seen any ads for any religion of any kind. A couple Christian College ads but that was it. Mainly I get boat and fishing ad stuff. emoScratch Then every now and then that ****y game ad. emoBigsmile Jmax
derek81 - 4/16/2014 12:40 PM

I just now several of them are based on your history, like the one above the calendar is always something I have recently searched.

O.K. then, I just got one for Asian single woman on mine! Who the heck has been searching for an Asian Lover hook up on my computer! emoAngry Speak up, someone must have snuck over to my house and used it. emoBadLanguage Jmax
if you use adblock plus extension on your computer then you wont see any ads. it says it is blocking 27 ads from popping up right now as i am typing this. its free to use too.
The site is registered with the Google ad exchange and is categorized and profiled by Google and then based on the targeting parameters of the advertisers serves either IP specific or site specific. With CFF I have noticed that it is a mixture of both. Re-targeting by IP address is the main source of ads but there is also new ads that are shown based on the target demographic of the site.

I always pay attention to this since its what I do for a living and have noticed the majority of ads are re-targeting me from being on their website. Also, if you click an add out of curiosity they will hammer you for a 30 day period...
This does explain why I have been over at Derek's plant in Ringgold, looked at his computer and it had all kinds of strange stuff on it. Something called Adam and Eve Toys for couples, ads for one night stands and even lotions for sore elbows and wrists. I just assumed it was from all that casting and reeling he was doing. Maybe not. :eek: Jmax
Jmax - 4/16/2014 4:39 PM

This does explain why I have been over at Derek's plant in Ringgold, looked at his computer and it had all kinds of strange stuff on it. Something called Adam and Eve Toys for couples, ads for one night stands and even lotions for sore elbows and wrists. I just assumed it was from all that casting and reeling he was doing. Maybe not. :eek: Jmax


Marital aids Jim.....

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