Why aren't you at the get together?

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2006
Chattanooga, TN
I was too tied up today and regretfully had to miss it. There are 24 registered members online right now (7:11 PM) - - What is your excuse?</p>

I have been to most all of them and it hurts me to miss this one. If you have never met up with fellow CFF members at one of these things, You should.</p>

See ya next time. LL</p>
RE: Why aren't you at the get trogether?

I wanted to go and had plan to. But I hurt my leg last night and can't drive or stand for long. In fact, I spent about all day sitting and resting. :(
RE: Why aren't you at the get trogether?

i don't ever log out so i'm always on here emoBang emoBang
Y'all missed a good one. A lot of regulars there and some new faces as well. We live close enough that we knew the rain had stopped and would have gone anyway, honestly. It was a great time with some great friends. Learned a lot from some of the exhibits and techniques shared. The knot contraption that Puddle engineered was outstanding and the highlight for me. I think that was one that debunked a lot of my thinking about knots. I wish I had brought some spiderwire though so I could try and find which knot was best for that. Wasn't about to start cutting line of my reel at $16/spool. Need my GAS money boy!!!!! Thanks for all the work you put into this guys!!!! Louie and I appreciate it so very much!!!!
Yea I too had fun .. and I even caught one bass on a popper by the pier !! emoLaugh was good to see all the old regulars .. us folks that have been here a while .. and new faces too .. though we where missing some that should have been there .. Flip1up, Davo, Freebird, Dhaun he come to think of it .. I havent heard or seen much or anything form alot of the early forum members in a long time.
Whats up with that > ? maybe they aint catchin much and are skeered ? or maybe they are catching .. and aint posting .. dont want all the hole takers finding their spots ?

Any way good time was had .. and good hot dogs too.. next time I guess I need to bring the Diet Coke and Diet Dr Pepper ? emoLaugh
LL, we really missed you! We always enjoy your company. Spur, thank you soooooo much for all of the effort you put into the Meet & Greet. I was pleased to meet (and re-meet) so many members. It was VERY enjoyable!!!! emoToast emoToast
The Meet & Greet was great. I was nice to meet some of those who put up so many great posts
and also pass along so much good info to help those of us who don't know how to catch fish, emoCool The demo's and schooling were great,
BenTim, Jay & I really enjoyed meeting everyone and the hot dogs hit the spot, emoTongue
Thanks, Spur, for all your hard work in putting this together for all of us, emoToast
We're looking forward to the next one emoThumbsup .............Hal