Is your cowling completely inclosed, if not you may want to pull it off and spray silicone on the inside. Get the starter good. Wash the trailer down if you are going to be there awhile. I you are not going to be there a long time, don't worry about it, come home, take boat and trailer to lake and let the trailer soak. Run moter while trailer is soaking. Go to car wash, and wash down with soap and water, rinse real good. I you can unhook the water line on you motor and hook garden hose to it and let it flush for a couple of hours when you get home. This is my routine anyway. You will also find that most of the boats down there are aluminum boats alot like yours. Be careful, water is shallow. If you put in at the marina, hang a left and go to the leftoward the park , there are some good grass flats near the park that are pretty productive. When are you going.