Will Penn State have enough money after?

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2007
Cleveland TN
I am guessing they will end up paying out upwards of a $200 million in civil suites after this report came out today. I wonder how they keep the doors open and programs running after something like that?</p>

Couldn't care less if they burn the place down. If the university knowing harbored/protected child molesters in any way, even if was to "protect their name" I hope they have to shut it down.
If they keep the doors open after that it shows you that college tuition is way to high if they have enough cash on hand to pay out all that money. Maybe some wealthy alumni will pay the fines.
The football program and Sandusky both should've gotten the death penalty. I keep waiting on the word that Papa Joe, was as guilty as Sandusky. It's documented, that he knew what a dirt bag, Sandusky was and he kept him around. If you were the boss of bosses, at PSU and you allowed Jerry to stay, you absolutely have to be a molestor yourself. No real man would allow him to stay unless he knew secrets.
I agree with most of those penalties, mainly because Sandusky held an office at Penn State until 2010. Don't agree that an educational system of 94000 students at 24 campuses pay the price for these criminals. I put it in the same boat as 3 million honest gun owners putting up with gun control talk from this freak in Aurora. I will also reserve my opinion of the NCAA and thier ever reaching power. This was criminal and individuals need to go to jail.

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