Wiring Problem

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Lucky Dog

Well-known member
Apr 30, 2005
Soddy Daisy
Need some help? I have a 1992 Stratos. It has four switches on my switch panel. The bilge, aerator, and navigation lights will not come on. I have checked the switches, fuses, and lights they all work and have continuity. I have come to the conclusion I am losing ground somewhere. Does anyone know how I can run a ground from my switch panel straight to the battery or have any other suggestions. I know that sounds like a stupid question but I cannot find the ground from the switches.

Any help would be appreciated.
There should not be any grounds at the switches unless they illuminate theirself. Other than that they are just on/off for power. You may have a loose ground or missing ground at the battery. Have you checked to verify power is making it to the items not working? Alot of boats have bulk connectors and one could have come unplugged. If you turn on your bilge and it has + and no - then it is a ground issue for sure If it has - and no + then it is a swich/ power issue. Hope this helps!
You should have a ground wire running from the switch panel to the battery now, it may be loose at the panel or at the battery. Also look for any inline fuses or breakerson the main hot wire that feeds the switch panel, it can be at either end, at the switch panel or close to the battery. Grounds are notorious for going bad on a boat because of the water and moisture that it is surronded by all the time. Use some Ox Guard or other anti oxidation paste on each ground after you clean them.
I will take any suggestions. I am not getting any power to the switches. One of the reasons I posted this is because a local boat marine shop told me to run another ground but just as you said there is not ground at the switches, only on and off. I had no idea that he was talking about so thought maybe I was missing something.

Doc1 - 4/17/2009 10:42 AM

You should have a ground wire running from the switch panel to the battery now, it may be loose at the panel or at the battery. Also look for any inline fuses or breakers on the main hot wire that feeds the switch panel, it can be at either end, at the switch panel or close to the battery. Grounds are notorious for going bad on a boat because of the water and moisture that it is surronded by all the time. Use some Ox Guard or other anti oxidation paste on each ground after you clean them.

I also thought there should be a ground running from the switch panel to the battery but there is not. Only wires directly to the battery, other than the main to the starter, are one heavy gage positive and same gage negitive. Both run with the starter wires to the moter. I don't know where they go from there.
Doc is correct that there is grounds all over the place under the console. Some are fed by the control box and some are directly from battery via the boat harness. When I rewire boats, I ususally run a 8 gauge wire to a ground block that I make, then I feed everything off of it. It cleans up some wiring under the console and the battery area. UNLESS the switched have LED's built in, they will not have a ground going to them power only. If they have LED's beside them then the grounds will go to them not the switch. If you measure resisitance between the battery ground and the item positive you will have continuity due to the fact it is just passing through the componet. That is why a bad ground can cause many "ghost" problems.

If you can't find it soon, Run it over and I will look at it for ya. Probably will not take but just a few minutes to figure it out. Later!
wrechin2 - 4/17/2009 2:36 PM

I ususally run a 8 gauge wire to a ground block that I make, then I feed everything off of it. It cleans up some wiring under the console and the battery area.

If you can't find it soon, Run it over and I will look at it for ya. Probably will not take but just a few minutes to figure it out. Later!

I wanted to think all of you for your help. I removed the rear deck found the wire off the battery and the splice where all the grounds feed off of it. To make a long story short and to make me feel like a complete idiot. Doc wins it was bad connection, everything working now. Some times I wonder why I have a boat. It is like my daughters. They give me such pride and joy one minute and can make me madder than a wet hen the next.

Thank you to all that helped.
Hey! Come on!!! I said it first!!!! I win!!!LOL!!!!!!!! emoLaugh emoLaugh Glad you found it. For that many things not to work, it is either a ground or power. That happens quite often. I see cats get into boats and they have to pull wires out crawling around in them.
wrechin2 - 4/20/2009 8:40 AM

Hey! Come on!!! I said it first!!!! I win!!!LOL!!!!!!!! emoLaugh emoLaugh Glad you found it. For that many things not to work, it is either a ground or power. That happens quite often. I see cats get into boats and they have to pull wires out crawling around in them.

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