wiring problem

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2008
soddy daisy
thanks mr guru (wrechin2).i have had a wiring proplem for about two weeks now and had to order a new wiring harness.so it came in yesterday and of course i called the man(wrechin2), it took quiet a while to get it where everything worked but he did.i pinched the fuel fump wire and it kept on blowing fuses.we didnt think about me doing something stupid because blowing fuses was why the harness was being replaced in the first place.rats or other had gotten into the harness and nawed away at the wiring.this was before i bought the boat but showed up after i boat it.anyway just wanted to say thanks again to da-man.we are so lucky to have a man with all his talent on boats. emoWorthy emoWorthy emoWorthy

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