It's the case any time of year - let the fish tell you what they want, how they want it. There are days in winter when fish go nuts over moving baits. There are days when they want that jerkbait still for 30 seconds or more before they'll eat it.
We've had the same rains y'all have had. To that end, our river systems are also full and the currents screaming. Fish like stability and current conditions are anything but. Fish will tend to go to ground (tight to bottom) or tuck up tight against breaks when the current is hard. Anything to get out of the flow. REC targeting any/all areas where the water eddies a little. Once things stabilize the fish will fall into a more predictable pattern.
Nothing tuffer than cold+muddy conditions. You hafta bang'em on the head w/ the bait if they're gonna eat it more often than not.