Women Can Qualify for Bassmaster Classic

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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2005
The 2008 Women's Bassmaster Tour has been announced, and new this year, the women's Angler of the Year will qualify to fish in the Bassmaster Classic with the men. Details here: http://www.chattanoogan.com/articles/article_115214.asp

Ladies (or guys, if you must) ... I'd love to hear some comments from you "for the record" for a follow-up article. You can post here or PM. I prefer to have "real" versus "screen" names.
Personally, I am opposed to having a “ladies only” sport, while at the same time saying they should be able to compete with the men but not vice versa.

A classic example is the PGA. It is OK for the ladies to play in the PGA but the men can’t compete in the LPGA.

My feelings have nothing to do with the ladies abilities. There is no doubt in my mind they can compete with the men when it comes to fishing. My objection is the double standard. To my knowledge there is nothing in BASS that says you must be a male, while the term Lady BASS does equate to ladies only. The same can be said about the PGA and LPGA.

Finally, if they want to compete for the BASS Masters Classic, let them fish all the tournaments with the men and let the “chips fall where they may”. I have no doubt some will be very competitive.

Norman Wright
Harrison, Tennessee
Yep, but how could you use the restroom with her in the back or front of the boat? 
 Or better yet, how could she?
2jigs - 10/16/2007 6:56 PM

Yep, but how could you use the restroom with her in the back or front of the boat? 
 Or better yet, how could she?

Why don't you ask the ladies that fish the FLW that question? emoScratch
I would have never thought about the whole using the bathroom as a problem, but I guess that would be a little weird for them. I wonder if the pro's just go in front of people following them around watching. At least their not out as bad as them poor NASCAR drivers.
I can answer this one. I had an oppertunity to work on a boat a couple of years ago in the fall of the year, and was paired up with a new employee whom was female. She was as prim and proper as they come, and I sat their the first day wondering "Now what am I gonna do". Well the 1st day, I drank as little fluids as possible, and waited till lunch, but I realized that I couldnt do that everyday, so we had a little talk about it. She told me, that when the time comes, signal her that "it" was about to happen and she would simply turn her head...talk about stage fright...shewwww.....She in turn must have had a steel bladder, because outside of a few times she waited. The times that she did have to go , I let her off and she went up in the woods.emoRedface
I have a client who will remain un-named. She carries what she calls her "pink elephant." It is made to appropriately fit the female anatomy with a tube attached so she can duplicate the actions of a man, and probably with fewer "shortcomings." She's not shy... neither am I. I tell all clients, male and female, "there are two bathrooms on my boat... one off the front, one off the back or if you prefer, the shore is right over there." emoLaugh
I think I'll pass too !

Anyway, being one of those that don't mind giving an opinion, right or wrong, agree or disagree, I hear what nwright is saying. I think the WBT should allow the male Angler of the Year to fish in their classic. Or, just have one Tour with both genders.

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