Wow-Braves moving!

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Jan 6, 2009
Read today the Braves are getting a new stadium in Cobb county at the 285-75 intersection on the NW side of town.
Must be because BJ Upton didn't want to drive all the way downtown! emoLaugh
It is good news for all of us coming in from the Chatt area! Sounds like it will be 2017 if I remember right.
I'd rather see them build a good post-season instead emoHoppingmad
The main thing is it's not their stadium. The Braves lease it. The Braves organization wants a new smaller, built for baseball only stadium and total control of it. The Ted was built in 1996 {I think} for the Olympics. It was a multi purpose stadium and then converted to baseball. If they get a smaller stadium maybe they can then lower the prices on those $5 hot dogs, $5 cokes and $7 beers! The big problem is what are they going to do with the big 'ol empty Ted? Maybe they could fill it with water and stock it with Bass! Just a thought!
I heard Ga Tech was gonna use the stadium. Just a rumor I really don't know. If I was owner and footing the bill I would make them stay until they quit choking in the playoffs! The same goes for the Falcons.
It's going to seat around 45000 people I think, the braves owners are wanting to own it and the restaurants around it also. It will be at 285/75 on the east side of 75. It is for the 2017 season.

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