spnplgr - 6/1/2010 2:53 AM
Not trying to hyjack the thread, but I also need to replace that same spring on my starter. To this point, I have been unable to remove the gear to get to the spring? I have not found a way to keep the armature from spinning instead of the nut coming loose. I tried jamming the gear against the flywheel, but the starter armature still spins. What's the secret?
</p>spnplgr - 6/1/2010 12:53 AM Not trying to hyjack the thread, but I also need to replace that same spring on my starter. To this point, I have been unable to remove the gear to get to the spring? I have not found a way to keep the armature from spinning instead of the nut coming loose. I tried jamming the gear against the flywheel, but the starter armature still spins. What's the secret?