wtb / youth 22/410 combo or cricket 22

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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2006
If anyone has a youth 22/410 combo or a 22/20 gauge combo or a cricket 22 rifle they would like to sell please let me know . I would like to buy one for my son he is finally getting interested in hunting and i don't want anything to big for him and something that would be versatile . He could squirrel hunt with and use the shotgun barrel for other types of hunting. If you have one or know of anyone who does please let me know. Thank you .
For what it's worth Dick's and Academy usually have the Rossi combo 22/20ga and 22/410 for about $110-$120 from time to time. They are good guns...I would suggest a 20ga over any 410.
ok Thanks i will check them out he has got hunting fever bad .And of course i'm excited that he does maybe he will get hisfirst deer this year .