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Mike Hernandez

Well-known member
Feb 5, 2008
LaFayette, GA
I know I've seen a few folks on here that seem to be pretty well versed on computers. What do you folks think about the upcoming demise of XP? We have a couple of old computers at work that still run XP. When I asked the IT guy whether he had new machines ready to deploy he said that he isn't really worried about the machines on XP. When I asked if he was concerned about viruses, etc., he said no, that the Firewall would take care of it.

Personally, I don't think the Firewall alone will provide a sufficient defense against what's out there waiting to be released to target XP.

What do you folks think?
PC security is just like any other forms of security, no one single action will keep it safe, but a combination of many. There are several things you can do to help extended XP a while longer. First, get all your updates complete before April 8th when they may no longer be available. You will need SP3 installed to get all of the latest. Second, don't use Internet Explore since it is an older outdated version anyway and is much more susceptible to vulnerabilities. Use Chrome or Firefox instead. Many work related programs only run on XP and is not a problem if the PC's are not exposed to the Internet. I received some stats the other day that XP is 29 times more likely and Windows 7 is about 7 time more likely to get a virus or Malware than Windows 8. If your only PC is XP and it is attached to the Internet, make sure you have a backup of important files, pictures, etc. on a separate media because one bad virus or malware and it could be done. The rumor, of course, maybe only to sell new PC's & OS's is that the bad guys are really going to take advantage of this when XP expires.
Hello, I work in IT for one of the largest paper company's in the world. XP is a major problem. We are working to replace as many XP computer's as possible, but some are running software that is not compatible with Windows 7 or Windows 8. We are now in the process of setting up the remaining computer's on there own VLAN on the network. If the XP computer's are not isolated, without being patched a company could encounter a major virus problem.
windows 8...or 8.1.....badddddddd ....unless you have touch screen monitor..... Win 7 wonderful .....did I say win 8 ..any version bad ???? Windows came out with a mandatory update (do it or don`t get anymore update).Supposed to fix some of the hateful crap for non touch users. I updated and then `puter wouldn`t work at all. Had to go in and Undo the update to get `puter to work again. I`d go back to win 7 if it didn`t cost !!
My mother in law has bought 2 pc's in the last 6 years while I am still on the same Macbook. The demise of XP has finally convinced her to get a Mac. My Macbook is maxed out with the Lion operating system so I'll probably be in the market for a new computer next year and it too will be a Mac. I go to UTC and occasionally have to use a PC which just makes me hate then even more. I know Mac is expensive but I've had my $1500 macbook for over 6 years and have never had an issue. That's worth it to me
What SNUFFY said! Try to find a Windows 7 Professional machine as Windows 8 is awful. I only use Windows for doing taxes every year and I hate it.