Yearly Outboard Maintence

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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2005
Big Cove, AL
What is in your yearly outboard maintence checklist? I've always got mine serviced, but want to do it on my own this year to save some green... what processes do ya'll go through?</p>


I do some of the above...gearoil check and change every other year...AMSOIL Sythetic gearoil this year. A look at the cylinder walls with scope and if your gonna pull the plugs ....change em . Fuel /water separator filter .....zerks. If you`ve gotta big block OMC put your fingers or wrench on the top bearing carrier bolts under flywheel....can be a big problem. Steering cables.
Plugs are one of those coin tosses. A plug will cause a engine to miss but not damage it. No water or lack of lubricant will cost alot of money to repair the after math. Most boats don't get enough use to wear out a plug especially the suface gap plugs. Lube all the fitting, replaced a impeller, and change fluid in the lower. Most fuel filters are clear or like OMC most are cleanable. You can look at most and tell if it needs a filter or not. If you want to get technical, Look at a mercury manual and it want the lower removed and the crank splines lubricated once a year amount other things to that nature. Just my 2 cents worth.
What engine do you have??? If I have a manual on PDF I'll send ya a copy. It actually has a check list for the mercs. Don't have many OMC's on PDF.
fischnrod - 1/5/2009 8:31 AM

I have mine serviced 1 time a year ( new gear oil in the foot and water pump impeller,and any thing that jumps out at me on a visual inspection)

i dont like it when things jump out at me on my outboard emoLaugh

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