Louie B
Well-known member
As everyone knows there is apparently an unlimited amount of Yellow Bass/Shoal Bass in Chickamauga..... These fish are simple to catch in big numbers w/ spoons and live bait, I've found thousands of these little suckers this year. Only a few of which were over 2pounds most are small.
DOES ANYONE HERE KEEP THESE LITTLE CREATURES, ARE THEY GOOD EATIN??? If so, are they easy to clean and are they worth the time??? I was told by a friend in Texas that they are a delicacy out there, he says that he can't tell much difference in them and crappieemoScratch
DOES ANYONE HERE KEEP THESE LITTLE CREATURES, ARE THEY GOOD EATIN??? If so, are they easy to clean and are they worth the time??? I was told by a friend in Texas that they are a delicacy out there, he says that he can't tell much difference in them and crappieemoScratch