Your thoughts on "Promote the general welfare..."

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Aug 12, 2009
Lake Weiss
Congress was granted the power to promote the general welfare of the nation by the Constitution of the United States. Contrary to what the person on TV just said (it means giving me welfare), this means that Congress try to provide laws in keeping with the principles of the self-governed. Congress may provide legislation that acts in a general best interest of a nation. What it does not mean, and has been misunderstood in the past is that Congress has a free pass to create and enforce legislation that plunders the citizens in order to redistribute wealth. It does not provide for any entitlements for certain people.

I just heard some nitwit on CNN they were interviewing say "it means that the government will take care of me and my bros".
Life, Liberty, and persuit of happiness......does not mean we owe, or have to pay for someone else's persuit of happiness. This country was founded on hard work. Now we just want to give it away.

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