2000 Johnson 200 kinda hard to start

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May 7, 2007
I have a 2000 model Johnson 200. "Silver Bullet"
I took it to the lake today and it took me about 15 minutes to get it started. Only after I took the cowl off and pampered it it finaly got going. Once it gets warmed up it runs awesome as usual.
I took it to Chattanooga Marine this winter and got it tuned up and de-carbed. Anyone have any ideas?
When you push the key in did you hear the primer clicking?? Blazer had a similar problem and turn out to be a ignition switch. Could be a few different "little" things.
I have a 96 johnson 200 venom on my 201 and earlier this year it started doing the same thing. it would take 10 or 15 minutes of cranking before it would even try to start, after it started the first time it was fine the rest of the day. I started checking the wires to the powerpack and found two wires under it that were melted together, sort of like they were pinched between the pack and the block. Anyway i cut and replaced the two burned wires and now it will start very easy, i was ready to buy a new powerpack when i found these. I hope you find the problem because it sure is embarrasing at the ramp when your dang motor won't start!!
Guess these johnsons are all that way... My 98 venom on my 201 is hard to start but once it does it starts on first try with no problems... I just have to push the choke in alot and keep cranking till it starts... Mine idles funny also...

To the point where i'll have to get my boat in way early during a tourney just to make sure its started and warmed up.... And i just had almost $1,500 in tune ups done to it bout three weeks ago and it's still hard to start..
Most of these should not be that hard to start especially with the quick start incoprated into the power pack, it is what makes it idle high when first started. There may be vanished fuel in the primer tubes and restricting the amount of fuel making it to the engine also.
Always make sure your engine is trimmed all the way down when you first start it. It also helps if u turn it over a few times then pump the primer bulb again until hard. Hope this helps.
Well the bubble hardly gets hard when you pump it. it will get harder then it just goes flat again..should I keep pumping till it gets hard or only pump a few times.... it acts like I'm flooding it out sometimes and when it finaly hits a lick it blows some serious blue smoke for a second... maybe this will help with the diognosis
I had the same issue's on my old boat 2003 115 carb Johnson. The bulb was doing the same thing. I replaced it and Alot of the starting issues were over. However it still was a bear to start. Its weird some of those carbed Johnsons were so hard to start, very cold blooded. Also this same motor after a decarb done by a dealership never was the same. Starting, idleing what ever, it doesnt make sense because a decarb should clean out the internals.
Mine doesn't have a bulb...

Sometimes mine will have a little smoke also when I first start it after a few days of sitting.. My vro was taken off years ago so I just thought the smoke was from the oil in the gas... When it does smoke its only when I start it up and never does it after that.. Like its just burning something off real quick..
That is the same way mine was doing except mine would not even hit when i tried to crank it, when it finally did hit the first time it would crank right up. when it did crank it looked like a giant smoke bomb went off.
Also I forgot but I found out on mine I thought I needed a new ignition cause sometimes it wouldn't crank but you could see the gauges come on and hear the water pump humming.... It was because the throttle wasn't in the exact neutral position...
If your bulb is not getting hard you eithier have a bad bulb, your fuel pump diaphram has a hole in it, or you have a needle and seat bad. your bulb should get like a tennis ball when it is pumped up completly.
the first thing i would check is the choke.i was having the same problem and took it to Wrechin2 and found out my choke wasnt working due to a faulty switch.we replaced the switch and now it will fire right up when cold.
TO SOLVE ALL THE PROBLEMS GET A MERCURY AND SET THE WATER ON FIRE emoEvil emoEvil emoEvil emoEvil emoEvil emoEvil emoEvil emoEvil emoEvil emoEvil emoEvil emoEvil
As bad as I hate to admit it , most carbed OMC's start easier than mercs due to the fact they inject fuel to all 3 carbs (or 6 if a looper) instead of 2. So a merc v-6 starts on 4 cylinders instead of 6 like OMC. My merc was a booger to figure out, but now that I know it it isn't so bad to start just runs rough untill the top cylinders pick up fuel. Mercs have their issues too. I work on alot more mercs than I do OMC's. Is it because there are more mercs or the OMC's are more dependable?????????
Come on wrenchin you know witch one is more dependable! LOL Just Kidding. They all tear up!

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