2017 CFF Classic Ramps ?

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I verified that the Ramp is open, but the f#$%%ing rowing event is going on downtown on Saturday. I don't understand why they don't let boat traffic through. I always thought I sped them up with the boat wake. I vote Chick Dam/Riverpak. It sucks, but it is what it is.
I will say this. Leonard has done more work on this one item that he ever put into two years on the tournament committee. I hope he screws off and forgets to sign-up.
They have been having a Saturday tournament out of Wolftever, or at least they were. Plus, when they lower the water, I have a hard time getting my boat on the trailer there.
So we definitely lose too much water to fish nick on Saturday, so we fish chick then?

What are all the tx's that day on the lake?

And if we fish nick on Sunday, there will be no restrictions at all right?
Why don't we keep the Sunday reservation at CFP for the Chick as is and then go out of Serindino on Saturday for Nick? To me that is less changes for everyone. All we would be changing is going from Sullivan's down to Serndino. That makes more sense and less confusing than trying to flip flop dates or lakes or anything else. We only change the ramp about 4 miles down the lake on the Nick. Hell, everything is going to be crowded with something were ever we go!
Thats what I say serdinos on Sat. and CFP sunday keep it simple.Lenard will not be happy but someone will bitch either way
The Ramp at CFP was apparently already reserved for FWAS at CFP on 10-15. I have moved CFP to 10-14. We will go out of Sullivans on 10-15. Everyone ok with that?
Just post it Patrick! We have the same lakes with the same ramps and the same dates. All we did was flip flop the lakes form Saturday to Sunday. I don't see how anyone can complain under the circumstances with all the Tx.'s, boat races, row boat events and ramp closings. We simply are trying to dodge them. We had CFP scheduled and all we are trying to do is go out of Sullivan's to be in the middle of the lake to accommodate participants that want to go up the lake or down the lake in either direction. If they can't understand the conflicts and scheduling problems then piss on them! Tell them to come and ask me and I'll see if I can explain it to the ******* complainer before I shoot their ass! This has been one hellofamess to say the least!

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