A Word of Caution About Free Stickers

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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mallardecho - 2/12/2009 11:09 PM

Shark - 2/12/2009 9:53 PM

Sorry..... but has gotten out of hand.

This is really very easy..............

Either send in the info required to get the stickers.

- OR -

Keep your little ole' email at home with you and don't get the stickers to
show you are a proud member of CFF.

NUFF SAID! :emoticon:

You need to back up a little. Fishin Fool was one of the original moderators on this site. I have never met him in person, but several people I respect on this site think very highly of this gentleman. He has been here since the beggining, so I am sure he is only tryimg to watch out for us all.

I couldn't agree with you post more. Fishin Fool was one of the original members of this site and he is a highly respected man in my book. I have met him several times at CFF functions in the past and he is just looking out for us. You haven't been around long enough to know who the old timers are like FA, MadBomber, Polodog, Dickey, EricM, rsimms, Jmax and all the other members like Fishin Fool who made the site what it is. I know I have left out many and that was not intentional, but that is just who I could think of. emoBang

Some of us remember what the old days used to be like and unfortunately it has changed a lot over the past 4 years. You used to be able to plan an event and not have to worry about people showing up, but you had to worry about having enough food to feed them all. Now you can't get anybody hardly to show up to the events that are planned like the annual Christmas Party, which had to be canceled this year due to the lack of interest in the event.

We used to have map reading sessions, demonstrations on how to throw nets, how to rig baits, and many other great things that just aren't around anymore. Now it is all about fishing tournaments, who is going to have the biggest weight and how much they are going to win, instead of helping others learn about the lake and the sport in general.

I guess it has just out grown the hometown feel unfortunately, and in my opinion it isn't what it used to be like.
Well said Terry, I appreciate your concerns and forlooking out for all of us.emoThumbsup emoThumbsup emoThumbsup
Terry, I don't think u were out of line in your post buddy. With all the internet crime today, folks need to be careful. If they could gather information from what is asked to be sent in, I have no idea but was interesting to see the comments.

Good lookin out brother.....if they got your address they got your phone number to sell also.

You need to back up a little. Fishin Fool was one of the original moderators on this site. I have never met him in person, but several people I respect on this site think very highly of this gentleman. He has been here since the beggining, so I am sure he is only tryimg to watch out for us all.


I couldn't agree with you post more. Fishin Fool was one of the original members of this site and he is a highly respected man in my book. I have met him several times at CFF functions in the past and he is just looking out for us. You haven't been around long enough to know who the old timers are like FA, MadBomber, Polodog, Dickey, EricM, rsimms, Jmax and all the other members like Fishin Fool who made the site what it is. I know I have left out many and that was not intentional, but that is just who I could think of. emoBang

Some of us remember what the old days used to be like and unfortunately it has changed a lot over the past 4 years. You used to be able to plan an event and not have to worry about people showing up, but you had to worry about having enough food to feed them all. Now you can't get anybody hardly to show up to the events that are planned like the annual Christmas Party, which had to be canceled this year due to the lack of interest in the event.

We used to have map reading sessions, demonstrations on how to throw nets, how to rig baits, and many other great things that just aren't around anymore. Now it is all about fishing tournaments, who is going to have the biggest weight and how much they are going to win, instead of helping others learn about the lake and the sport in general.

I guess it has just out grown the hometown feel unfortunately, and in my opinion it isn't what it used to be like.[/QUOTE]

SDFD, I'm still trying to make it a site for fishing information, tips, techniques, water conditions, theorys, meeting new guys, teaching those who really are interested. Most of the guys that you mentioned also have this as a passion too. But the only way that I can impact this site is by fishing reports and responses to questions and other's reports. I know Terry personally and have fished with him several times. First Light just over reacted to his post in my opinion. Several others who used to post here have quit posting since the change in ownership and I almost quit posting too, but not because of First Light. It looked initially like the TX guys wanted to root out us crappie/bream/catfishermen from "their" site and have exclusive bass reports, tx's etc. There were rumors that some wanted freedom to use, how shall I say this, language that isn't edifying to the children who read the reports. For those guys who aren't smart enough to share info without using suggestive language, foul language, etc., why don't you just go to the other sites that allow such language? I'm probably stirring up a hornet's nest by these comments, but I suppose that I have always been a little impulsive and more than once have opened mouth and inserted foot without considering the impact that the words make. My intentions though are to keep this site a clean, family site where guys and gals can come together and learn from each other and through our interactions make our lives a lot richer. The day that this site degenerates into a mean spirited, selfish, foul mouthed site is the day that I turn it off and never visit it again. emoGeezer
I appreciate everyones opinions and I will address a few thoughts that are staying on me, and somewhat still bother me. ...and first I truly respect everyones opinion and passion for the site. If you didn't care for the site, you wouldn't have strong opinions. Fishin Fool... I think your original post wasn't an attack on FirstLight, I think you were bringing up valid points of discussion (as we talked about last night). I am personally glad you are back and participating on CFF.</p>


I am not sure where the thought that multi-species fishermen were trying to be run off the site. CFF was originally run by a multi-species fisherman, David Haun. He asked for members to volunteer to have moderator duties. The folks that volunteered were a wide swath of personalities, all who added value to the forum. Some catfisherman, some live baiters, some spot eaters, some tournaments guys, and most of us multispecies fishermen. When David sold the site, he asked Billy and myself to run it with him as Admins. His thoughts were our wide swath of species we fish for and organization of site Charity events merited our appointment. At no time was it my desire to go to a full tournament website. I fish tournaments, but I am not a tournament fishermen, there is a difference. For instance I reported every trip i made to guntersville up til my NATA tournament next weekend. That is the difference in my opinion from a tournament fishermen, and a fella, like myself, that enjoys fishing tournaments. As many of you know me personally, I would prefer to snag a 68 lb Blue Cat anyday over a 5 lb largemouth.As DK knows I love looking for that crappie to sip my bait in.I am a multispecies too. I say this because I don't know where the thought that tournaments were taking over came from. Maybe I should let dead dogs lie, but that really bothers me that that opinion was out there, when it was never my intention. </p>


Second, the language. I whooole heartedly agree. I honestly wish I had the time (i should be working now) to look through every thread and examine ever post. I know there are several mods who can't access CFF from work, and only have a small amount of time to "moderate" in the evening times, juggling personal time and family time. If one of you sees something of question PLEASE don't think we are ignoring it, or playing favorites... help us out and utilize the "Alert!" button at the top of the post. This will send Billy and myself a message and allow us to correct the issue. We truly want to do that. I probably deleted 3-5 jokes just last week with questionable content. We are working the issue... </p>


I type this because there has been times in the past that I feel my character has been brought into question and wanted to publicly address them. What I typed above is the truth, whether its believed or not... I can't do anything about that. My fraternity Sigma Nu, has a tag line we use... "I love and respect my brothers..." Well I just wanted to let all of CFF know (minus Churly) that I love and respect my fellow CFFers.</p>
Wow, what an offer for a free sticker can generate.

I for one feel, since we are all bearing our personal feelings, is that Terry's post was indeed, a slam at FirstLight. NO, I do not like every single change they have made on the forum, but I like a lot of them, and thats why I am still around participating in the best site on the web. The people I engage wth here are like old friends, even when you meet them for the first time.

Terry, you could have just asked the qeustion on the original sticker offer thread, "Hey FirstLight, are our email and personal address's safe when we send them to Gabby?"

You had the right, and chose to start a thread, that you as a long-time moderator should have know was going to cause a stir, and that is why you did it. This is MY opinion, and I am entitled to it, like everyone else.

I most always enjoy your well thoughtout posts and replies, you bring alot of knowledge and clarity to some issues. I dont think this is one of those times. We all have our "pet project", mine is gun control, and to some extent politics, and I post some stuff that I probably should not on those issues. Yours seems to be privacy right now...not wrong, just different, and I dont agree with your method this time.

There I said it, and I aint taking it back. Go ahead and bash away.... :(
When I saw the offer for the free sticker..... I NEVER ONCE thought that they would sell our information to other companies or anything like that. I personally see your concern Terry but, BUT the post seemed to be alittle on the POT STIRRING SIDE against First Light and the Moderator and Admin here.

I am a moderator on the largest bowfishing forum in the world and when a person makes a post that attacks that site It is basicly attacking me as well. We are here to share storys and help other fisherman out and to make friends. Of course issues are going to come up that get heated but when you have this many members stating there opinions its going to happen. BUT IT DONT NEED TO HAPPEN ATTACKING THIS SITE OR THE MODS OR ADMIN......

If you have a concern Im sure they want to hear about it BUT SEND A PM or E-MAIL to the right person and not in open forum if it is against this site or one person in particular dont call them out on open forum.

If you are one of the ones who is CONSTANTLY complaining about First Light then you have a choice to be a member or not if you dont like whats going on.

This is the most useful fishing site i have ever came across and it will continue to do that and I will continue ti contribute as much as possible.

Thats just my 2 cents
For the record xrfoxracer, I didn't feel that FF was attacking the Mods/Admins...

I'm glad though that you know the day in and day out pain of it all though... You know Brian Hughes?
SpurHunter - 2/13/2009 1:56 PM

Wow, what an offer for a free sticker can generate.

I for one feel, since we are all bearing our personal feelings, is that Terry's post was indeed, a slam at FirstLight. NO, I do not like every single change they have made on the forum, but I like a lot of them, and thats why I am still around participating in the best site on the web. The people I engage wth here are like old friends, even when you meet them for the first time.

Terry, you could have just asked the qeustion on the original sticker offer thread, "Hey FirstLight, are our email and personal address's safe when we send them to Gabby?"

You had the right, and chose to start a thread, that you as a long-time moderator should have know was going to cause a stir, and that is why you did it. This is MY opinion, and I am entitled to it, like everyone else.

I most always enjoy your well thoughtout posts and replies, you bring alot of knowledge and clarity to some issues. I dont think this is one of those times. We all have our "pet project", mine is gun control, and to some extent politics, and I post some stuff that I probably should not on those issues. Yours seems to be privacy right now...not wrong, just different, and I dont agree with your method this time.

There I said it, and I aint taking it back. Go ahead and bash away.... :(

Spur I started a thread to inform people. Nothing more. I have had extensive discussions with Mike from First Light and we are both good. Why you chose to bring up another accusation now that the dust has settled is beyond me. I did NOT start the thread to create a stir as I stated in the original post. I started the thread to draw attention to an issue. I shared that with Mike also. It is much better to have an issue about the site out in the open that discussed via PMs and rumor. You are right. You certainly DO post things you should not, in my opinion, but again that is your right and I don't presume to tell you that you shouldn't. So don't tell me I shouldn't. Like you, I respect most of your thoughts and threads. Sometimes you hit the nail on the head and I find myself nodding in agreement. Sometimes you don't. But that is what a forum is for. When I see an issue that is going to affect a large number of trusting CFF members I'll continue to speak out. When those questions are answered then I'll shut up. As far as slamming First Light, I didn't slam anyone. I asked what they were doing with the information. I have discussed this with Mike, who is a great guy BTW, and told him that there were other ways to do it. Such as; instead of asking for BOTH a screen name and an address, simply ask for the address. That way there is no connection between the address you are given and that person's email address. Do a little research concerning the ability of a hacker with BOTH someone's email address and home address to wreck havoc. The second suggestion was that the stickers be taken by mods and admins to tackle stores in the area. It could then be posted on CFF that stickers were available at those locations. It would result in a win/win. The stores would get CFF traffic and CFF would get more exposure as curious fisherman decided to check us out. Some of the stores might even be enticed to sign on as CFF supporters. BOTH of those suggestions won't compromise anyone's private address or information. You are right Spur, I was a long time moderator. I did my job the best way I knew how. But your accusations were totally wrong. BTW, if you were so worried about getting "something stirred up" why didn't you PM me your concern before you posted? Mike from First Light did and we worked it out.
xrfoxracer - 2/13/2009 2:14 PM

When I saw the offer for the free sticker..... I NEVER ONCE thought that they would sell our information to other companies or anything like that. I personally see your concern Terry but, BUT the post seemed to be alittle on the POT STIRRING SIDE against First Light and the Moderator and Admin here.

I am a moderator on the largest bowfishing forum in the world and when a person makes a post that attacks that site It is basicly attacking me as well. We are here to share storys and help other fisherman out and to make friends. Of course issues are going to come up that get heated but when you have this many members stating there opinions its going to happen. BUT IT DONT NEED TO HAPPEN ATTACKING THIS SITE OR THE MODS OR ADMIN......

If you have a concern Im sure they want to hear about it BUT SEND A PM or E-MAIL to the right person and not in open forum if it is against this site or one person in particular dont call them out on open forum.

If you are one of the ones who is CONSTANTLY complaining about First Light then you have a choice to be a member or not if you dont like whats going on.

This is the most useful fishing site i have ever came across and it will continue to do that and I will continue ti contribute as much as possible.

Thats just my 2 cents

Jon this is the first time I have EVER said anything about First Light period. As for "attacking" the Mods and Admins, where on earth did you get that? I am friends with most all of them and they are a great bunch of guys with a tough job to do. As far as that goes, I don't recall ever seeing anyone on this forum constantly attacking First Light. Just doesn't happen.
Im new on the forum, and im not aware of all the politics. I joined because I love to fish, and i have fished this area for 27yrs.Im interested in the reports and info that everyone shares. Sometimes there is some treads that are funny and interesting to read. I am thankful that we have a place where our community outdoorsman can get together and converse. I hope thing can stay positive, informative and fun. Im not trying to butt in , because I dont know the situation. Thank you for the good treads and info everyone shares.
Bprice - 2/13/2009 12:18 PM

For the record xrfoxracer, I didn't feel that FF was attacking the Mods/Admins...

I'm glad though that you know the day in and day out pain of it all though... You know Brian Hughes?

I do know Bryan very well.... He is a stand up guy.... You ever bowfished with him??

As for my comment earlier...... Im just stating that On the bowfishing forum When someone attacked the site or complains a whole lot about it.... I do take it personally and this is probably because is NOT OWNED BY A COMPANY
An induvidual own the site and so there for the few mods we have are basicly owners of the site as well since there is no profit from it..... the cost of a banner is cheap.

Fishing fool nothing i said was meant towards you sir.... I have seen alot of people here make several post about how its not like it used to be..... this site sucks now.... i hate all the ads......

And i have seen several post from alot of the same people about those issues and thats where i got the ones that are constantly complaining..... not that they do it everyday but i have seen it alot over the past year or so.
Also Im just taking my experience from the other site when someone post in open forum about something like that over there its usually trying to stir something up...... You just gotta know the guys over there.... alot of them are just there to start something and thats why we are always busy over there

I appologize to you Terry!!
Hello! To all the posse and friends of CFF I am grateful for the stickers I got in the mail just as I was reading this post,

:emoticon:logo Everybody say sorry and lets fish
I don't see that much cussing on this site and I have never noticed tx fishermen trying to root others off the site. Tx fishermen only make up a small minority of the people on here. I will try to convert me cusswords to friendlier words like shoo shoo, poo poo, hockey, gosh darnit, rats, pee pee, etc. People need to grow up. I doubt there is anybody under 15 years old on this site so they have probably all heard a dirty word or two. Besides, most of the cuss words come from moderators.
I havent seen alot of cussing either besides the word damn and thats not really something that should be a problem.... there is a way to edit the cuss words by the mods i do know that that way if someone say a wordy dird then it will be like this

drumking - 2/13/2009 10:41 AM




I guess it has just out grown the hometown feel unfortunately, and in my opinion it isn't what it used to be like.

The day that this site degenerates into a mean spirited, selfish, foul mouthed site is the day that I turn it off and never visit it again. emoGeezer[/QUO

I couldnt agree more.....and to tell you the truth its just about to get to that point! I am very thankful for CFF. If it were not for CFF I wouldnt have caught my first BIG catfish. I have learned so much on this site about fishing that I couldnt begin to repay the guys who took me under their wing and taught me what they knew...and have shared sooo much info with me and many others. I guess its gonna be that way when you get as many people as CFF has now. Everybody has an opinion and just HAS to voice it. I wish it were still just a fishing forum where we were all about sharing info on fishing. I beleive those days are just about over folks. Again...I really appreciate the people who DO still share the reports and hillarious stories for us all to read and maybe get something good from it. I hope I have been able to help someone catch a fish of a lifetime with the info I have shared. Im not saying I wont be visiting CFF anymore....I will....and I will still post reports....but my posts are just about those old trash fish anyways...so most folks dont want to hear em anyway. It is sad that its come to the point where almost everyday...I sign on and I see alot of trash talk and people talking down to other people....about things that are absoltely none of their bussiness. I beleive that this site is on its way to becoming a pay site and when it does I will no longer participate...period. Its been a good run while its lasted though...and I for one am still Glad I found the CFF and all the members that I have become good freinds with on here!!!
I seriously think this is being blown WAY out of proportion. Someone simply posted a warning about a stinkin' sticker, and now folks are talking about leaving the CFF......goodness gracious guys

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