All those Vigilante gun toten nuts everywhere. However...

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Im talking flack jacket not bullet proof vest. I wore a flack jacket in the Marines and they are not bullet proof just shrapnel proof. You can't push a bayonet through it no matter how hard you try but a majority of bullets will go through. They are easily obtainable by anyone.
humdinger - 7/22/2012 10:43 PM Im talking flack jacket not bullet proof vest. I wore a flack jacket in the Marines and they are not bullet proof just shrapnel proof. You can't push a bayonet through it no matter how hard you try but a majority of bullets will go through. They are easily obtainable by anyone.

I'm with you on that. I understand... and agree.</p>
How many of you know it is legal to purchase and WEAR body armor here in Tenn? It's only illegal for felons or if worn while committing a crime.
Rollcast - 7/22/2012 4:06 PM

Only one crime has been committed with a Class III (look up the requirements by the BATFE) weapon since the 1934 Weapons Act. If my memory serves me, that crime was committed by a policeman.

A cop in Ohio killed a drug dealer with his personally owned Mac 10 SMG.They should have given him a medal, not life in prison.

At the risk of offending someone; How do you get on national TV and say his "boots were touching your head and you played dead?". Am I that far thinking that i can't understand how someone plays possum while 60 or 70 people are shot and they did nothing? I am not saying I wouldn't lie still at first but I know me. I would gather my thoughts for an opportunity to attack. Ever wear full body armor? Ever shoot with a gas mask? He would be so immobile. God bless the families of thos who lost thier loved ones and those survivors. Don't be a sheep!
Read the article much of it is a lot of Ra Ra Cowboy type stuff. In the theatre situation im sure it was mass chaos. Smoke, Tear Gas, Darkness, Screaming, Trampling, Deafining, pure disorientation. If tear gas was used your eyes are watering and you cough uncontrollably. Most of us have never been in a situation like that. The best scenario for your loved ones is to flee the scene if the oppourtunity presents itself. The first thing I would want to do is escort my family or friends to safety. Now if im trapped and can't get out of that situation I would lay it on the line for my family or simply for self preservation. A warrior or defender has to be intelligent first of all. Tactics have to be considered in situations like this. Thats why our Millitary teaches them. To think you are gonna be a Wyatt Earp and stare down an AR-15 and a Shotgun is just stupid. The author is just wrong to say your only a true defender if you inherently want to be in a situation like that. I don't ever want to be in a situation like that even though I have prepared for those situations by carrying. My family depends on me and I have a responsibility to them. I think this quote kinda sums it up "I know a lot of old pilots and a lot of bold pilots, but I don't know a lot of OLD BOLD PILOTS" Chuck Yeager
Good post Sniper. I just made one similar on facebook.

Even "IF" someone stood up and shot the guy..ended right there..hero status, yes..

BUT, didnt the sign say "No Firearms Allowed"? As law abiding citizens, we would have never carried a personal firearm into the place.
Read about WHO wrote the article. He is not just a psychatrist. You will find out why in WWIi less than 10% of the military said they were willing to shoot the enemy. That's when they shot at circles on a paper. That will also make you understand why we now use realistic 3d silhouettes of people, today over 60% will engage without hesitation. I learned of Sheep, wolves and sheepdogs as required reading for my past life. My wife doesn't even understand it..most sheep won't. Ask any military combat trained person what do you do when caught in an run through it, not from it. No ra-ra about it..remember 9/11 and flight 93? Be control of your own destiny and not have some coward have his say.
My weapon is always on me signs or no signs. Only reason I wouldn't have it is if I had to be in a courtroom for some reason.
Did General Custer run through his ambush? Did the Japanese Imperial Army suceed in their Suicide Assaults? Do you remeber the lessons of Black Hawk Down? Tactical mistakes are deadly. Courage is no substitute for inteligence. Ask some Combat Vets about that.