Another guide trip for Maddie; CFF auction on the Chick, Nick or G, your choice.

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Jmax - 3/21/2007 10:36 PM

$300.00 is the bid on a guide trip to the G.....going twice??????

Any other interested,......this one is to bosco at $300.00!!! Jmax

O.K. third and final call on this one everyone. The bid is $300.00 to Bosco for a trip to the G. Last call before the gavel goes down. Going once, going twice, third time.......

No one else?;) Jmax
Jmax - 3/22/2007 5:36 PM

Jmax - 3/21/2007 10:36 PM

$300.00 is the bid on a guide trip to the G.....going twice??????

Any other interested,......this one is to bosco at $300.00!!! Jmax

O.K. third and final call on this one everyone. The bid is $300.00 to Bosco for a trip to the G. Last call before the gavel goes down. Going once, going twice, third time.......

No one else?;) Jmax

SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To Bosco for $300.00 for the Mattie fund!emoParty Everyone give him a hand!!!emoParty emoParty emoLaugh We are going in the morning and I feel the pressure to put him on some fish like I do in a tournament.emoDoh Will be starting out of Mudd and then going where ever I have to so to get him on some fish if that does not produce in the morning. See ya gang on the water!emoDance Jmax
<font color="#0033ff" size="4">Congrats to Bosco!!!!   Thanks for the winning bid!!  I know you guys will have fun on the big G and Jmax is considerable person to be going with!!  </font></p>

<font color="#0033ff" size="4">  Thanks for the donation for Maddie and her family!!</font></p>

<font color="#0033ff" size="4">  Way to go guys!!! Hope you catch a big fish for the efforts!</font></p>
What a nice day to be on the water. Jmax is one heck of a fisherman and I learned alot today. Very kind of him to donate this trip to the Maddie fund.

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