Anyone experience Craigslist fraud?

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SpurHunter - 12/6/2013 1:03 PM

beetlespin - 12/6/2013 1:25 PM

I hate craiglist. Nothing but garbage on there anymore and you get a bunch of crap to deal with everytime you post something.

I have found a bunch of great deals on there in the last year or so, as well as selling a ton of stuff. You just have to know what to watch out for.

I agree with you, Spur. You can usually tell by the way an ad is written if you want to deal with that person. As for me, I never put an email address or phone number on my ad, I only use the email Craigslist assigns to you. That way there is no personal information out there. Also, I meet at a public location every time to do the exchange, with almost no exceptions (The one exception was a guy came to my house to get all my old kitchen cabinets, there was no way I was loading those up myself since he got them for free), and if they do come to my house, I have done everything I can to make sure they are legit. Craigslist is fantastic if you are smart about it. I've never had a bad experience.

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