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<font size="4" face="#mce_temp_font#">I<font size="4"><font size="4"> found this while cleaning out my father<font size="4">-in-law's old <font size="4">storage barn. It's a bamboo pole in pretty good overall condition, but I have never seen one with line guides or a reel like this. <font size="4">The reel is only to stor<font size="4">e line on<font size="4"> -- the handle <font size="4">slides out to <font size="4">allow line to be sp<font size="4">ooled off an<font size="4">d then slides back to lock it. The rod is in two sections with a threaded connector. Overall, it's 12' long. It has several guides like the one in front of the reel and the 90 degree guide at the tip. I googled <font size="4">cane poles, but did not find anything that looked like this. It has no markings, but it would have probably come from Mississi<font size="4">ppi or <font size="4">Arkansas. Kind of cool, in an<font size="4">y case.</font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></p>

