Anyone Remember Harry Thornton?

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I saw all the "rasslers" (Tojo & the boys) eating together at the Peggy Ann Truck Stop in Rockwood. That's when I figured out it was "Show Business" instead of sport. I also danced on Chattanooga's version of "American Bandstand". I don't remember what the show was called.
Thx for the pics Richard... brings back memories emoSmile
I was also on the Bob Brandy show... watched Funtime.. Harry Thorton, Wrestler #1 and #2, Spoiler, Atlas,... I met Tommy "Wildfire" Rich once... I was cooking hamburgers at Hardee's in Dalton in my younger years when he and his agent came in after a match at Ft Hill gymnasium... My invincible self emoCool strutted up to the counter when he was ordering and struck up a conversation... I said "Hey Tommy, tell us how fake that rastlin' is" ... uhmmmm... that wasn't the thing to do.. emoEek emoEek ..he called me names that weren't even invented !!! and threatened to jump across the counter and show me how fake it was while pounding his fist on the counter.... I shriveled up back into my hole and burned some more meat... feeling lucky to still have my teeth emoBigsmile
i used to go to wresting every friday night with my granpa at the memorial auditorium. and remember when bob brandy would give away a bicycle to one of the kids on the show and would also pick an at home kid to win one also, i won a golden flake ten speed bike as the at home player but i was only 7 couldn't ride it so my dad sold it and bought me a smaller bike. i remember begging my parents to let me stay up late on sat. night to watch shock theatre seems like i hardly ever made it past dr shocks opening monolog.
man those were great times.
I remember way back when the only channel on the new black and white tv's was channel 12. My dad and mother had a small grocery store in Jasper Tn. My dad started selling Norge appliances and Emerson tv's, wresling was on tv on wed or thursday nite and we would watch this at the store, people would come from all around to watch the wrestlin which was brought to us by Feres Liquid Gold beer. We kids would lie in the floor and lay on tow sacks and the grown ups would bring chairs and sit behind us. I believe we were the first to have a tv in those parts but we didn't get one for the house for a long time. One channel and you had to watch whatever came on. Then there was the Mr. Moon and Chickeroonie show, Mrs. Moon, it had a magic mirrow and Mr. Moon would say "Hocus pocus videocus" and presto we would get to see a cartoon about the katzenjammer kids or woody woodpecker or bugs bunny. Brings back memories now just thinking about it.
Thanks for the pics Richard! They sure brought back memories of a kinder, simpler time. I used to love watching Doctor Shock and Dingbat! As kids if we got to sit up that late (only that one night!) we were really getting a treat. It's interesting also about the "wrasslin". I used to work out a good deal with Terry Gordy who wrestled with Andre the Giant. I think Terry got his start with Harry Thornton.
<font face="comic sans ms,sand" color="#3300ff" size="3">this really goes back awhile.....Bob Brandy show......does any one remember that famous line that a kid said live on his show???? <u>"That's for you Herbie"</u> and shot him a bird on live TV.... I think I was in Jr High then, but that was funny...... Harry Thornton,,,,,used to watch live rassling every Sat..... Oh, them good ole days...... thanks for the pictures Richard.... FA</font>
popeyedpete - 2/5/2009 8:40 PM

Does Marcia Cling still work at Channel Nine? I hate to tell this but I was a junior in High School and she was still reading my name off on her birthday list on the Miss Marcia Show.

Yes, Miss Marcia is still here... works part-time appearing on the This N That program at 12:30.

She is as kind and gracious as other.

We are much "kinder & gentler" newsroom when she is around.
Hey, Doc1, my family was from Jasper. Did your folks happen to own the Quick Chek? My grandmother walked to that store everyday until she was over 90. I have great memories of going to Jasper for Sunday lunches as a kid and watching ball games behind the elementary school. When I was little my parents had a garden back behind the old Ridley's station/tractor dealership
salecreekaviator - 2/6/2009 7:46 PM Hey, Doc1, my family was from Jasper. Did your folks happen to own the Quick Chek? My grandmother walked to that store everyday until she was over 90. I have great memories of going to Jasper for Sunday lunches as a kid and watching ball games behind the elementary school. When I was little my parents had a garden back behind the old Ridley's station/tractor dealership


We didn't own the quick chek, we had a small store out in cedar grove on the right by the Exxon station, I believe it is Tate's garage now. The store name was Dixon's Grocery. My mother and I got to meet Frank Clement one time, he stopped in the store and bought some gas, this was when he ws running for governor.</p>

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