Asian carp: Kentucky Rodeo

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derek81 - 3/19/2013 4:17 PM
Carl Guffey - 3/19/2013 4:03 PM

derek81 - 3/19/2013 3:51 PM I see a new sport coming, carp baseball! One man idles the boat the other swings for the

<font size="3" face="georgia,palatino">Have you ever been hit by a forty pound fish while moving? Some of the big heads get even bigger. The larger they are the higher they can jump. If asian carp make it here in any numbers skiing, tubing,and jetskis are done. But so is running down the lake in a bass boat at 70 plus. A 20 pounder in the chest could be fatal...emoDoh </font></p>
It was clearly a joke....I'd use a 12g shotgun, not a baseball bat. haha emoParty

<font size="3" face="georgia,palatino">Same as waterfowl, has to be steel. High price and not cheap.</font></p>
<font size="3" face="georgia,palatino">The silvers and blacks also have an additional friend with them. The first run of the morning was made up almost entirely of grass carp. The large bucket(water trough) is grass carp. Silver carp are on the floor. I wonder what grass carp eat? They aren't supposed to reproduce(diploid) but they are.</font>


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<font size="3" face="georgia,palatino">Talked to some biologists Saturday.An Asian silver carp has been captured in Guntersville. These fish are on the way and the repercussions are eminent. If these fish reach and find sutible living conditions in Chickamauga there will be major problems for all concerned.</font>
Traveling through dam locks.</p>

churly - 3/19/2013 7:26 AM How are these fish spreading upriver? There are 5 dams between there and here, how do they get through the locks and spillways against the current?
It sounds like they'll be here soon then. How long have they been in KY lake?
If/when they get here it's going to be a huge impact on the local economy and not only that it's going to put a strain on smaller land locked lakes because everyone will be going there to do their boating. I couldn't risk my kids getting hit by one, so I know I'd go some where else.
SMA - 4/15/2013 9:42 PM It sounds like they'll be here soon then. How long have they been in KY lake?

<font size="3" face="georgia,palatino">As far as I know only in the last five years. The numbers have risen to such a point that they are spreading out to survive. The Asian carp can and will eat themselves out of existence. So as there numbers increase they have to expand territories to thrive.</font></p>
Fixxxer93 - 4/16/2013 3:22 PM If/when they get here it's going to be a huge impact on the local economy and not only that it's going to put a strain on smaller land locked lakes because everyone will be going there to do their boating. I couldn't risk my kids getting hit by one, so I know I'd go some where else.

<font size="3" face="georgia,palatino">Now to make you really sick. Where these fish are found, they are being moved by birds and showing up in surrounding waters not tied to the Mississippi or Illinois Rivers.<font color="#ff0000"> <font size="4">"i.e. ponds and golf course lakes."</font></font> So lakes that are not directly tied to the Tennessee by barge or lock are also in peril.</font></p>

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