Auburn - Alabama

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“Twas the Night They’ll Remember 12/1/13”
Twas the night after Auburn and all through the land
Not a “Roll Tide” was uttered by a Crimson Tide fan.
They used to be boisterous, they used to be loud
They used to be boastful and cocky and proud.
But they lost all their swagger, they lost all their swing
For one little second had changed everything.
The score it was even, the clock had run dry
When Nicholas Saban then started to cry.
He demanded a second be put on the clock
The worse that could happen? A miss or a block.
But fate is fickle and greed has a price
And what happened next just wasn’t too nice.
The previous kicks wide left and wide right
So he put in a Rookie, Twas not very bright.
The kick was a boomer of 56 yards
But the extra yard needed was not in the cards.
And back in the end zone a lone Tiger stood
He caught that ole football, he caught it real good.
He started to run, he heard the cheers grow
The Crimson Tide offense? Too fat and too slow.
One hundred and nine he ran for a score
If needed he could have run one hundred more.
The crowd it erupted while storming the field
The Crimson Tide’s season was settled and sealed.
A cry of “War Eagle” soon echoed the plain
Nick Saban’s expression was one of pure pain.
And up in Ohio the shouted Go Bucks
It gave hope to many except Gators and Ducks.
And in Tuscaloosa you could hear a pin drop
And in Tallahassee a tomahawk chop.
For the night after Auburn, the Tide does not roll
The new Boss in Town wears Garnet and Gold. Atta Baby FSU
They're calling it the #1 best final play EVER! The videos of fans reacting to it on YouTube are great. It's going to be great to see the Auburn/Alabama, Malzahn/Saban, offense/defense games in the future. They are both Hall of Fame coaches with Malzahn already in HS HOF and Saban is surely headed for college HOF. OK, I now want Saban to stay, and I believe he will.
Bama played poorly enough on the Offensive, Defensive, and special teams to lose three of four games. THE PROCESS is still in place Bama will be fine.

If Bama wins it's just another iron bowl. Auburn wins it's the second coming of the miracle on ice, that should tell you something.

Malzan a great coach? Time will tell, I do know that of all the teams that run a gimmick offense Auburn has recruited better than any over a three or four year period with the exception of maybe Clemson.

Saban a great coach? I would say average.

Can Saban evaluate talent and recruit? He is by far the best in the business. Give any coach in the SEC the talent that's in T-Town and they would win as many games.

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