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Oct 13, 2014
Ok so I can catch bass with live minnows beneath the dam all day long and have nailed all kinds of big ones. However, when I have fished in lake chickamauga (in harrison bay and up wolftever) I'm lucky to get the occasional crappie. I have a kayak and have trolled some. How to I get into the lake bass fishing. Where are good places to go. Do I really need a fish finder? What baits and lures are essential for my tackle box. I don't really want to have to drive to soddy creek since i'm from ooltewah. Where in harrison bay or wolftever are the good bass? Anyone willing to teach a complete lake fishing noobie.......I know the water has been low and much of the shore structure is above water. What about spawn times and locations....I can't catch a single bass to save my life on the main lake.....Getting owned all the time....tried trolling the mini umbrella rig with no luck..... emoBang emoBang emoBang emoBang emoBang emoBang emoBang emoBang emoBang emoBang emoPlease emoPlease emoPlease emoPlease
Right now you don't even need a fish finder. There should be males up shallow and females close by. Try shallow baits and cover lots of water in spawning coves.
what kind of shallow baits? like lizard or crawdad imitations? what about rat l traps? crank baits?
transitions with find rocky bottoms? like where? I don't know much about harrison bay and where that stuff exists....i've only explored john patton island area and harrison bay state park inlets....
Traps are a productive bait right now, muddy water, I go with chartreuse. Red craw dad patterns usually produce this time of year. I would get a lake map and study it. It will help you find good areas with deep and shallow transitions. My never leave home with out it bait is......shakyhead, green pumpkin w/red flake:)
I kayak fish a lot as well and know how hard it is it cover a lot of water. If you don't mind a good paddle drop your kayak in at HBSP and paddle out to the main lake and over to the large island. As you paddle out yiu will see channel marker buoys. If the boat traffic isn't heavy fish a jig or worm on a line between those boys. That channel has a flat on top toward the island and a ledge that drops off at those bouys. Severel brush piles sunk in that area as well

Then paddle over to the island and work the bank all the way down toward hwy58. Then paddle up into the shallows around the smaller islands. Surely you could pick up a few fish in those areas.

If it is windy that kayak can be a struggle. I would just stay in the boat ramp area and work those docks heavy. All the way to the shallows where you drive in.

Another area would be to put in up near the golf course on Harrison bay road. Lots of flats where there should be spawning fish.

Hope that helps... Report back how it goes...
There are plenty of bass to be caught in wolfteever and hbsp. Throw on a green pumpkin trick worm Texas rigged with a 1/4oz bullet weight and you'll catch a fish. Parallel the bank and fish it slow on the bottom.
Thanks y'all!!! nailed some bass finally


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Congrats bud glad you got on them. Derek was spot on with his advice. The trick worm is a great bet this time of the year. I hope you continue catching them bud. Hope you didn't think I was being a jerk.
naw you guys are awesome!! I appreciate the help....hoping to learn more how to lake I said, i've got the dam down to a science....the lake fishing, I'm a complete noob to....hoping to learn to plastic worm fish....never caught a bass doing that before...
figured it out a little bit more....having a blast folks!! thanks again!!


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