Best way to clean a Cat fish

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Fishin Fool

Well-known member
Jan 2, 2006
I've tried several different ways to skin and clean cats. Anyone have any tips or tricks to make it easier? I love the things but just HATE to clean them.
RE: Best way to clean a Cat

I cut the filets out and then just flip it over and using a very sharp knife I cut the skin and the fat layer off. Then i go back and cut the red streak out if it has one. It takes some practice but this is the best way I have found to do it.
RE: Best way to clean a Cat

Thanks for the info. I've tried that and can do it pretty well but I seem to leave a lot of skin. I usually cut down to the tail and flip the filet over and skin it that way. Maybe I just need a sharper knife!
RE: Best way to clean a Cat

Same way I do it. Bigger cats are harder, but it takes practice! I personally like 'em in the 4 & 5 lb range.
RE: Best way to clean a Cat

I have rigged up a cable wench and a pully for skinning deer. It has a sharpened "S" hook that Irun through ther catfish's jaw. I let it hang about chest high over a 5 gal. bucket. I cut the skin around the head and down the back. I then use good pliers and pull the skin back just like a deer. While it is still hanging I will cut all the belly fat and guts loose and let them fall in the bucket. Depending on the size of fish and how I feel at the time, I will fillet the meat off while it is hanging or whack it behind the head and remove the head. I will then cut the steaks off the bone. I thet cut the fillets along the latteral line to seperate the top half from the bottom of the fish. Doing that makes it much easier to trim the red off. The thickest part is at the latteral line so I use that cut edge as a guide. I can get all the red off with the first cut with minimul white meat waste.
RE: Best way to clean a Cat

I've always found it best to tie them to a tree and squirt them with the water hose from a distance... oh wait, different cat! emoDoh
RE: Best way to clean a Cat

Terry I start out by icing my fish down for a few hours. This serves two purposes. First it stiffens the fish and of course makes the meat cold. Any meat is much easier to work when it is cold. Secondly and to me most important is that when a fish,any fish that I clean, gets cold the blood draws into the organs so there is no need to bleed it and deal with that mess.
Lay the cat on it's side head left tail right if you are right handed. Grab the head and tilt the top of the fish up slightly. Then use an electric fillet knife and holding at an angle between the top horn and the ribcage begin taking the fillet off. When you get to the end of the ribcage lay the fish and the knife flat and proceed to the tail taking the fillet off. Then lay the fillet skinside down, hold your knife flat and raised up off the skin 1/8" to 1/4" above the skin.The thickness is determined by the size of the fish and experience will teach you how much to leave on the skin.Keep your knife flat and remove the skin and by cutting from one end to the other. It is very important to keep the knife flat so that you leave the all the red meat but the lateral line on the skin. Now turn the fillet over if it is from a fish over say two pounds and split it lengthways in the center of the red lateran line. Then simply slice the thin red line out and cut away any fat from the top edge and place the meat in a pan of water.
Go back to the fish and follow the contour between the backbone and ribcage and carve out the tenderloin that is left all the way to the "cheeks" at the fish's head. Repeat the process on the other side of the fish.
All of this process can be done with any sharp knife but I find it easier to do it with a sharp pointed electric.

When you are finished you will have a fish body with the entrails and undesirable belly meat all in tact for disposal.

I have cleaned literally thousands of pounds of catfish since I was a child and have tried to improve my method each and every time. This way is easy, the mess with the guts is nonexistant and the waste of good meat is minimal.

RE: Best way to clean a Cat

rsimms - 6/30/2007 5:06 AM

I've always found it best to tie them to a tree and squirt them with the water hose from a distance... oh wait, different cat! emoDoh

Rsimms, I love the way your mind works. You just ain't right, but DANG, that's funny!
RE: Best way to clean a Cat

Cheez that sounds like exactly the type of input I was looking for. I would have never thought of the "icing" down thing but you are right. I've done that for years with crappie and bream but it never occured to me to do it with cats because of the size and all. It sure would make for a firmer fish, with all the blood in the belly and organs. I'll bet it makes the skin easier to remove also, which is my major problem. I'll give it a try soon, but I'll need a bigger cooler! I appreciate all the input from everyone. Lot's of smart folks on this forum!...... emoThumbsup
RE: Best way to clean a Cat

Iceing down works great. I have used it on several occasions on cats from the nuke. 2-5 lbers are easiest.
RE: Best way to clean a Cat

Tileman - 6/30/2007 12:23 PM

Fishing Fool, I just tell my boys to do it. Quick -easy -no mess for me.

Tileman wins! He has the best method... emoLaugh
RE: Best way to clean a Cat

Fishin Fool - 6/30/2007 8:46 AM

Cheez that sounds like exactly the type of input I was looking for. I would have never thought of the "icing" down thing but you are right. I've done that for years with crappie and bream but it never occured to me to do it with cats because of the size and all. It sure would make for a firmer fish, with all the blood in the belly and organs. I'll bet it makes the skin easier to remove also, which is my major problem. I'll give it a try soon, but I'll need a bigger cooler! I appreciate all the input from everyone. Lot's of smart folks on this forum!...... emoThumbsup

Terry I use 100 quart coolers and start out by putting 3 or 4 two quart or two litre bottles of ice in the bottom. I put the fish on the ice as soon as I catch them and when I'm done if it is hot outside I stop at the BP across from Hamilton's and get a 20 pound bag to spread over the top. The fish will be cool in a few hours but overnight is best.
Tileman's way is good too and ya'll might think I am nuts but I actually enjoy cleaning fish.emoScratch

RE: Best way to clean a Cat

cheez - 7/1/2007 6:30 AM
ya'll might think I am nuts but I actually enjoy cleaning fish.

Yes, I do think that. emoLaugh

You ever thought about "hirin' out? I frequently have clients ask if I'll clean fish. I always give them a resounding, "No... I'll help you catch 'em, but cleaning... you're on your own."
RE: Best way to clean a Cat

Cheez and I clean catfish virtually the same way. One thing that I would add is if you don't want to wait until the ice has stiffened the fish, I just fillet them like I would a bass, and then lay the fillet down on my concrete carport and use a garden hose to completely rinse off any blood, slime, fat that will come off. Then I return the fillet to the board (I spray the board between each fish to keep it as clean as I can). When you rinse the fish like this, it is easy to see the fat line and you want to remove this along with any red streaks. When the slime is remove from the fillet by the garden hose, you can easily remove the red streaks without the fillet crawling all over the board. This is the easiest method for cleaning a catfish that I have found. Afterward, I cut up the fillets that are left into fingers, or 2" chunks and then put them in my container and rinse them with my garden hose set on flood until the water runs clear without foaming. When this is done, you will never ever get a bad tasting catfish no matter how large or small that it is. I have never had one complaint from the catfish that I clean.

It is a little time consuming, but well worth it. Next time that I clean catfish, I will take pics and post them on the forum. emoBigsmile emoGeezer
RE: Best way to clean a Cat

rsimms - 7/1/2007 3:23 PM

cheez - 7/1/2007 6:30 AM
ya'll might think I am nuts but I actually enjoy cleaning fish.

Yes, I do think that. emoLaugh

You ever thought about "hirin' out? I frequently have clients ask if I'll clean fish. I always give them a resounding, "No... I'll help you catch 'em, but cleaning... you're on your own."

I have thought several times about hiring out to clean fish. Trouble is with the job I have now and where I live it would be difficult. I would not be very dependable because when someone might have a hundred or two pounds of fish I might be anywhere from Texas to Maine to Iowa to Florida.
That may change before too many more years though.

RE: Best way to clean a Cat

Townsend fish skinner makes easy work of smaller cats. Fillet like normal then run the skin through the wringer, quick and easy. Also it works good on whole bluegill and yellow perch (I usually take out the dorsal and split the meat to the backbone).
RE: Best way to clean a Cat

rsimms - 6/30/2007 5:06 AM

I've always found it best to tie them to a tree and squirt them with the water hose from a distance... oh wait, different cat! emoDoh

My husband would whole heartedly agree with you RSimms ... needless to say .. he doesn't like cats!!! At least the ones that wear fur coats.

RE: Best way to clean a Cat

I didn't say I didn't like them. I simply described a way to clean them. emoBigsmile