Bow season started today, anyone see any?

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churly - 9/27/2010 9:32 AM

It was nice and cool up at our place both mornings. But I'll blame our lack of seeing deer on a very bright full moon and an absolute ton of freaking dropping acorns. It may be tough to get a good one until these nuts quit dropping a little.

I agree most likely won't see any big ones til the rut. All our big deer are nocturnal and in the woods eating stinkin acorns
churly - 9/27/2010 9:32 AM

It was nice and cool up at our place both mornings. But I'll blame our lack of seeing deer on a very bright full moon and an absolute ton of freaking dropping acorns. It may be tough to get a good one until these nuts quit dropping a little.

Yea they've rained on us the last 2 weekends down here. Falling like crazy.
This little guy was the 7th buck that came through Sat. morning. He's got a twin that has the same split on the other side, but after this one he just got a pass until next year. 4.5 or older for the rest of the year.


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since we have an official trail cam thread you guys think we could make this the official bow season kill thread that way we have a place to post what we saw, how we did, and any pictures we got???
Liveliner - 9/26/2010 11:18 PM

First morning for me this AM.  Saw a very nice Buck and a unidentified deer. Too far away for a shot.  Heard bleating and a grunt but a no show on those deer.</p>

 I will tell you guys this, "You must hunt near drinking water right now are you are wasting your time." It is oh so dry out there right now.  We need rain badly.</p>

I killed the doe on a spring that is only on top of the ground for about 60 yards. It's the only water on my lease of 140 acre right now
MooseKnuckle - 9/27/2010 12:16 PM

This little guy was the 7th buck that came through Sat. morning. He's got a twin that has the same split on the other side, but after this one he just got a pass until next year. 4.5 or older for the rest of the year.

Good looking deer Moose!!!! emoWorthy I sure hope I can get a couple "little guys" like that one. You are sure starting your season off well. When you start with one that good you can coast for a really big one the rest of the season. emoThumbsup emoApplause Jmax
Nice buck! I only seen one all weekend and it was a small buck but it supposed to cool off for this weekend I hope didnt like sweatin in my stand
Giles county, I'll post a pic of one our neighbor got on Wed., tomorrow. It's on my cell phone. Green scored 156 and change, live weight 230 lbs.
Liveliner - 9/26/2010 11:05 PM

kickinbass35 - 9/26/2010 12:31 AM The only thing I saw this mornig was 2 guys hunting over our foodplots and all that we had worked on . They said they thought they were on the property that they were told they could hunt. Funny thing is as one of them walked past the trail cam this morning it took his picture and he disconnected the battery on it and broke on of the hinges that holds the door shut. Whats so funny is he said it wasn't him but a picture is worth a thousand words . lol

 If you are hunting private property and those two Azzez are on your food plot.  Catch them in there and back without being seen and call the game warden.  Have your trail cam pics to prove they broke your camera as well.  They may get to buy you a new camera.  "Real jerks."  You need to get them out of there before gun season. </p>

If you put in food plots on public accessed land you will need to get in your spot before they get there.  </p>

 I guess I am just being mean with this one but if you can not get rid of them and they seem hostel, abandon all your work and find another spot to hunt.  But first buy several boxes of moth balls and cover your food plot and be sure to add a little at the trees they are using.  "Scerw the Jerks."</p>
It was on my property .My wifes uncle has 8 acres that join our 39 and they said they wern't sure which was which > I made it real clear to them.