Bullet Bass Boats

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Hiwassee Angler

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Feb 4, 2008
They are beautiful...I have a ranger and am drawn towards Bullets...Me and my Dad are going to be on the market for a new boat soon and I am just wondering how they perform.
<font face="georgia,palatino" size="2">If you have any questions just look at this. </font></p>

<font face="georgia,palatino" size="2">http://www.chattanoogafishingforum.com/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=35558&posts=73&start=1</font></p>

<font face="Georgia" size="2">They (Bullet Boats) are good on the water and are fast. They are a performance boat and have to be driven not pointed to reach their full potential. Good luck....</font></p>
they fish pretty good too ! Had mine 15 years and have changed one switch and one latch and a couple of trailer lights. Love mine...haven`t found anything else I`d trade it for.
I have the new 21xrd and it is amazing. I have owned and fished in alot of different ones but the 21xrd cant be beat. I have the 300XS Merc. and it is about the best gas of any i have ever had. If you fish the BFL or FLW or any tourneys like that the max. horsepower is 250. So I would pay attention to that.

That is one thing my dad really wants is a 21. and we won't be getting anything over a 250. Me and my Dad are both 6' + guys and are about 250 a piece so we want a boat that has a little room in it and doesn't kill us in rough water. So the longer boat is a must for us.
unless you plan on trolling a lot.....splurge the little extra and get the Pro XS..absolute beast !!
<font face="georgia,palatino" size="2">Being of smaller stature myself 6'5" and 250, I understand some of your plight. I love an Allison because it is one of the best riding boats made. I just can not fish out of them because every time I step around on the boat it will walk out from under me. I know Snuffy has a Bullet and he is a good sized fellow, although a older one(the bullet and Snuffy). Make sure what ever brand you buy that you take it an fish out of it before you buy. Riding in comfort is nice, but if you can't fish out of it, in comfort. What good is it?</font>
SNUFFY - 7/2/2010 10:58 AM unless you plan on trolling a lot.....splurge the little extra and get the Pro XS..absolute beast !!
emoGrouphug </p>

emoScratch </p>

<font face="georgia,palatino" size="2">While we are on motors, I am looking hard at 4 strokes. Honda has been building good motors for years. The new Yamaha SHO motor is tough and will run strong. You do not have to mix or run any oil and they provide great fuel mileage and good performance.</font></p>
<font color="#ff0033" size="3" face="comic sans ms,sand">I had the privilege of owning the <u>first all metal flake bullet</u> that Bill built. rode up to Knox to pick it up with John Nichols. put a 150 merc on her and boy would she ever run..... took me about 3 months to learn how to drive it.... and you did have drive it back then... now, with the new stuff you can just let her run. loved the boat. you will too.....FA</font></p>
the difference between a 20' and 21' bullet is really mindblowing in front deck space. If you take the seat out you can have a square dance up there. A friend has Basscat and it`s also very large too. I haven`t been in one of the newer 21'XRD`s yet but I imagine it is really nice.
As far as engines go the Japanese stuff is probably good and all get pretty good MPG and just sip the oil. I`m not sure about them on performance Bassboats though. Seems like I remember Allison doing a test with a 90Hp Honda several years ago and had it in the 70MPH range.
Best advice would be to try out as many combinations you think you might like and choose the one that suits you best. I don`t think you can go wrong with the Bullet.
Carl ...you`ll just have to take shorter steps in the Ally....and I ain`t that much older than you.....just look that way. Been rode hard and put up wet way too much.
Carl, if you fished out of my XB-21 Allison you would be impressed. They fish as good as any boat made. However, I am a fan of Bullets as well. If they would bring the interior up to date they would be the hottest boat on the market. On motors: If I were buying today I would have a Yamaha 250 SHO. I wouldn't even consider a 2 stroke...
<font face="georgia,palatino" size="2">Allisons are nice, they are built ten miles from my house and I ride in a bunch of them. They just do not suit the way I fish. They ride good because of their hull and when I step on the side of the boat, flipping, it goes down dramatically. If a person is of avearge size, this is not a problem and no matter what size steps I take it is never any different.</font></p>

<font face="Georgia" size="2">That is why I fish out of a <font size="4">Norriscraft,</font><font size="2"> it suits the way I fish. I am not exhausted when I am done and it gets me where I want to go.</font></font></p>
I just have a slow Ranger Z21, but I fish out of a Bullet with The Fisherman and it is really nice. You do have to "drive" it way more than my Ranger. If I get another bass boat it will be a Bullet 21.
Somewhere out side of the state IMO.
But here is a couple of places. Paul Nichols is selling some. Fastbass.com has some (mostly used). Lawrenceburg Marine and Jaco's
I bought mine from Greg Clark's Marine in 2008.

Not sure on the SHO's yet, I havent seen enough info about them running on Bullets.
The most relilable mercury is the 225 ProXS the next is the 250 ProXS. Both would be fine on a 21 with a TM gearcase.
Plus they (mercury) run specials on them with 5 years of warranty.
If you go with a 20 a SM gearcase is a must.

There is pro's and con's for every boat out there. Try to ride and fish out of the ones you like and see which is better suited for you.

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