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foodsaver - 1/20/2009 11:12 AM

Anyone know of a campground locally that is beer friendly?

Craig if you can't have a cookout without booze why not just have it in your backyard? Surely Christie won't mind the drunks using your bathroom. Even if they miss and get some on the floor. No big deal, right? You and her could have a real family fun day cleaning up when it was all done too.
cheez - 1/20/2009 6:41 PM
foodsaver - 1/20/2009 11:12 AM Anyone know of a campground locally that is beer friendly?
Craig if you can't have a cookout without booze why not just have it in your backyard? Surely Christie won't mind the drunks using your bathroom. Even if they miss and get some on the floor. No big deal, right? You and her could have a real family fun day cleaning up when it was all done too.

emoScratch emoDoh emoBang </p>

Craig, you know that Beer is the root of all evil........GEEZE!</p>
flip1up - 1/20/2009 6:51 PM

cheez - 1/20/2009 6:41 PM
foodsaver - 1/20/2009 11:12 AM Anyone know of a campground locally that is beer friendly?
Craig if you can't have a cookout without booze why not just have it in your backyard? Surely Christie won't mind the drunks using your bathroom. Even if they miss and get some on the floor. No big deal, right? You and her could have a real family fun day cleaning up when it was all done too.

emoScratch emoDoh emoBang </p>

Craig, you know that Beer is the root of all evil........GEEZE!</p>

Where do you come off with that Flip? I never said anything negative about drinking beer at all. Maybe you have a guilty conscience. I was just making a suggestion to Craig as he seems to be having difficulty finding a place to party. There is a reason why places don't allow drinking. Maybe just maybe the reason(s) can be found in my post that you quoted. emoScratch emoDoh emoBang
Yeah, I know you were just being helpful. No, you didnt say anything negative either. Sure, it was my guilty conscience. Whatever you say big guy!
Not sure if I could get on my buddies property in Possum creek but I could ask. Water and fire pit (BIG ONE at that) and if he completed it, a place to go pee all over the floor type outhouse. Kidding...:)

Wonder what kind of head count we could expect Craig?
I expect something similar to the experience we have at the picnics, I would just like for the people that enjoy a few beers to have the opportunity. Besides I don't know how to run the smoker without the fuel. Never crossed my mind that you could tend a smoker without a beer in the hand.
I'd really love to hear why the beer drinking is an issue with some. What makes it more of a family event without least for CFF members. If need to, please PM me so I can see the light!

ALL CFF events have been family geared and adults have had a few drinks. Nothing has ever got out of hand or anywhere near it. (that Im aware of) and I've been to just about every event we've had very few exceptions. Beer is in the real world..are some just wanting to shelter thier families from it? Seriously, what gives?
Billy, I doubt that you will get very many answers, some care for it and others don't. It is like politics, some go one way, some go the other. All conveinence stores sell beer and gas, if you didn't like to be around beer, how could you buy gas? Everyone has their likes and dislikes and you will never get everyone to agree on everything. If you want to have a cookout, set a date and have it, the ones that want to come to it will and some won't.
BBass - 1/20/2009 9:41 PM

I'd really love to hear why the beer drinking is an issue with some. What makes it more of a family event without least for CFF members. If need to, please PM me so I can see the light!

ALL CFF events have been family geared and adults have had a few drinks. Nothing has ever got out of hand or anywhere near it. (that Im aware of) and I've been to just about every event we've had very few exceptions. Beer is in the real world..are some just wanting to shelter thier families from it? Seriously, what gives?

I reckon since I brought this issue into the light and you asked I will give my opinion. Personally I have nothing against having a beer or a drink or two in a social gathering. Some do and do not want their families to be around it. I think for some it is a matter of what a person believes to be right or wrong. Many have had bad experiences in their lives because of alchohol. Many folks have seen the devastation that alchohol can cause. Some even think it is a sin to even have one beer. That is their right I suppose.
Billy you are right that there have not been any problems at any of the CFF picnics or any other CFF event when beer was present. At least not at the event. I personally witnessed more than one individual drive away from a couple of the picnics when they had several beers in them. Again there was not any problems like DUI's or worse that I am aware of.
At this year's picnic the numbers were way down from the previous 2 years even though the numbers of members had doubled and tripled respectively. Why do you suppose that is? Why can the CFF not have an event for those that do not want there families and children around people drinking? Why is it that because someone wishes to not participate in a party that includes booze that they suddenly become the bad guy?
On the other thread started this week about this subject there was a prominent, respected member of this forum that raised a question about having a cookout without alchohol, for families. His idea pretty much got shot down. Why?
You are exactly right beer is in the real world. So is pornography. So is drugs. So is violence. So is filthy language. So are so many other things that people want to shelter their families from. Am I saying that beer is as bad as these things? Of course not but it can be and the way things are going in the world people want to keep their families from as much of it as they can for as long as they can.
Maybe I am wrong about this. I've been wrong before. It should be quite easy to prove me wrong if you so desire. All you have to do is have a CFF event in a place where no beer is allowed. Anounce that it is a family friendly event and that no alchohol will be allowed. Talk it up on here and do it just like the picnics and promote it as a family friendly gathering. See what happens.
Goosepond in Scottsborro, family friendly, people keep it down, older atmosphere. They will not put up with bad behavior, family atmosphere, most people even though allowed keep it in cup or something else. Nasscar orriented. Great bunch of people.
Thanks John, I respect that and its what I think needed to be said here. Although I have no desire to prove anyone right or wrong...i just want to see everyone that sow, have a great time.

I think forums are a great tool at times yet black and white text has a way of sending a wrong message when its never meant that way. I'm not a heavy drinker so it wont kill me to not have a drink. Yet I do enjoy having a few CBs with my buddies at times. I can buy a 6 pk and it remain in the frig for weeks at a time.

Thanks for the honest reply. No matter how the event gets setup, i will encourage all to attend for some great food and socializing.
BBass - 1/21/2009 5:34 AM

I can buy a 6 pk and it remain in the frig for weeks at a time.

Billy, You can keep them in my fridge, they won't last that long so there is no chance they will go bad. I can keep a 6 pack in the fridge as long as I don't know its there, hidden in the vegetable drawer from a previous event.