Well-known member
I have been very discouraged by the news and the economy lately. I feel our country is headed for financial implosion. Our politicians in a little over a year have quadrupled the deficit, taken control of many private banks and companies, raised our debt ceiling to 12 trillion, and increased the money supply 4 fold. Unemployment hovers around 10% despite the stimulus. By all accounts this debt and spending is unsustainable. The politicians have failed to do anything about our failing entitlement programs i.e. Medicare & Medicade while at the same time threatening to add another with gov't healthcare. Our economy is being choked by poor leadership and indecisiveness. Our businesses are in limbo wondering if investment is wise with such a murky future ahead. I ask why these people continue to spend when we don't have the money. Are they purposely trying to ruin the country? Where has our integrity gone? This is the only time in history that we have put society's burdens on the backs of our children. My biggest concern is just that our children. I look into my 3 year old daughter's eyes and wonder what the future holds for her. Will she have the same opportunities as I had? Will there be class warfare that leads to a dangerous revolution? Will there be starvation, riots, looting, will the country slip into chaos? I have to be honest with myself I truly don't know. I wish someone could talk some sense into these politicians. I wish someone could tell them that economics is an exact science and for every action taken financially there is a reaction. Would they listen even if they were told? So I ask can we recover or will we go the way of the Romans?