Can our country recover?

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Sep 2, 2009
Dalton, GA
I have been very discouraged by the news and the economy lately. I feel our country is headed for financial implosion. Our politicians in a little over a year have quadrupled the deficit, taken control of many private banks and companies, raised our debt ceiling to 12 trillion, and increased the money supply 4 fold. Unemployment hovers around 10% despite the stimulus. By all accounts this debt and spending is unsustainable. The politicians have failed to do anything about our failing entitlement programs i.e. Medicare & Medicade while at the same time threatening to add another with gov't healthcare. Our economy is being choked by poor leadership and indecisiveness. Our businesses are in limbo wondering if investment is wise with such a murky future ahead. I ask why these people continue to spend when we don't have the money. Are they purposely trying to ruin the country? Where has our integrity gone? This is the only time in history that we have put society's burdens on the backs of our children. My biggest concern is just that our children. I look into my 3 year old daughter's eyes and wonder what the future holds for her. Will she have the same opportunities as I had? Will there be class warfare that leads to a dangerous revolution? Will there be starvation, riots, looting, will the country slip into chaos? I have to be honest with myself I truly don't know. I wish someone could talk some sense into these politicians. I wish someone could tell them that economics is an exact science and for every action taken financially there is a reaction. Would they listen even if they were told? So I ask can we recover or will we go the way of the Romans?
those are some very good and scary questions.and i feel your concern when i look at my 3 year old granddaughter. i thank its time for change before its to late,and this time change for the better.
Yes, as soon as we find our confidence in the American worker and the products they produce. On April 15th we all start making payments on an American made automobile we will never see or drive.

This all started small after WW two as Japan started making toys out of our old tin cans and selling them back to us. Now Japan is on the verge of supplying us with ALL automobiles. China, even the American flag is made in China. Now most of the labor in construction comes from Mexico.

When things get bad enough, and they will. We will stop waiting on the politicians to come save us and we will save ourselfs.

Again things have not got bad enough but they will. Then we will open our eye, go in another direction and recover. WE ALWAYS DO!
Sniperchoke - 3/2/2010 9:31 PM

I have been very discouraged by the news and the economy lately. I feel our country is headed for financial implosion.
Mostly ripple effect from the previous 8 years of 2 billion a week on searching for non-existing WMD and Mission Accomplished.
If we are going to point fingers at the past ,let us get our facts straight! The whole housing debacle was a gift from the Cliton administrations decision to allow banks the false sense of security of lending to anyone with no reprecutions, complaining to one another does no good, start complaining to your local representatives!
Things get really bad from time to time, but America always rises up. I wish we could kick out ALL the bums in Washington and put in real people who would serve a term then come back to regular life. If everyone had to do that, they would think twice about the decisions they make.
It's always darkest right before the dawn. My three part time jobs have become very busy lately. Business is picking up. Don't believe everything you read or hear. If a politician's or TV talkinghead's mouth is moving he's lying most of the time. It's all about them, corporate interest, and getting elected or ratings.
When you look your child in the eye, make sure they know that 9 of that 12 fell under Republican Presidents. While you are looking you child in the eye let it know that this President is holding his own, while the last had 3% unemployment when took office and left with ten. Under Clinton debt at 5 Bush leaves 10. Yes We are at 12 and every Republican is at ever ribbon cutting ceramony about how this is going to create jobs when we build this road or bridge, or lock at chick, then go on TV and say Obama is costing us 12 trillion. Republicans go to hypocrite and your picture will show up. Your propoganda is what puts people like Timothy McVeay into the position they were in. You are smart they are stupid. But they pay the price. I guess someone needs to have there dirty work done for them. What gets me is how wages are not keeping up with inflation, CEOs are making millions and you guys are buying into their BS. Keep in mind we need to compete. Wow! Pay millions to upper management, and give crackers to the guys that make it happen. I will say this, you have it going on.
Yes we can recover but we need to drastically reduce the role of government and pay off our debt. How do we do it...I'm not sure. We need to stop all government subsidies and just let the market rule. We will have to take our medicine in the short term but it would be better in the long run.
I'm stockpilling firearms and salted meats while I dig out my underground bunker.

Scary stuff, but remember the meanist thing on this planet is a hungry American. Ask the britts!
We will NEVER recover until EVERY American loses the it's all about me mindset. We will NEVER recover until EVERY American stops trying to keep up with the Jones. I does not matter one bit who is in the Whitehouse or even in congress. We the people are the problem.

You can not survive buying more than you are selling! Not in a household not in a company and certianly not in a nation.

Follow the national debt and you will see that it runs parallel with the trade deficit.

Clinton is the last president to reduce the national debt.


I am glad you ask!

The Clinton administration made it possible for anyone to borrow money. With borrowed money comes spending and with spending comes paying taxes to pay down the national debt. This placed the national debt on the shoulders of corporate America( banks and the automobile industry) as they held the notes on the borrowed money.

In short the American government has taken back the debt that Clinton pawned off on corporate America! And they should have!
A good start to fiscal recovery would be to get out of the two wars and not start another war. Of even greater importance would be for the elected officials of both parities to work for us, and not for their own party. No bills should be passed with earmarks spending millions of dollars for unnecessary projects.
Possum - 3/2/2010 11:56 PM

When you look your child in the eye, make sure they know that 9 of that 12 fell under Republican Presidents. While you are looking you child in the eye let it know that this President is holding his own, while the last had 3% unemployment when took office and left with ten. Under Clinton debt at 5 Bush leaves 10. Yes We are at 12 and every Republican is at ever ribbon cutting ceramony about how this is going to create jobs when we build this road or bridge, or lock at chick, then go on TV and say Obama is costing us 12 trillion. Republicans go to hypocrite and your picture will show up. Your propoganda is what puts people like Timothy McVeay into the position they were in. You are smart they are stupid. But they pay the price. I guess someone needs to have there dirty work done for them. What gets me is how wages are not keeping up with inflation, CEOs are making millions and you guys are buying into their BS. Keep in mind we need to compete. Wow! Pay millions to upper management, and give crackers to the guys that make it happen. I will say this, you have it going on.

You should have incorporated something about mentall challenged kids into this Mr. Condra.
You guys need to drop all this griping at possum about the "short bus" comment or whatever it was. He made a simple mistake...GET OVER IT!! He is a good guy that made a mistake. This is the United States of America not the United States of the Offended.
CryDoc - 3/3/2010 11:47 AM

So the debt accumulated from the housing market had nothing to do with the state we are in? Who helped with that?

Yeah right.

By easing up on credit restrictions and allowing people to not only borrow the money for a house they could not pay for. They were allowed to borrow more than the house was worth and the federal government agreed to insure these loans.

WE CAN NOT BUY MORE THAN WE SELL AND BALANCE THE BUDGET! A dem. or rep. can't make it work.
I'm not looking for partisan rants I'm looking for people to demand that our politicians whoever they are, to do the right thing for our country and our children's sake. Not looking for them to do the feel good things we need them to do the hard things and make the sacrifices we need to make now so our children will not be laden with this debt.

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