CBA Classic ?

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

Help Support Chattanooga Fishing Forum: - 10/26/2009 9:06 AM

BBass - 10/23/2009 9:05 PM

elwestb - 10/23/2009 8:33 PM

...and probably will not get a drop of ink from the newspaper! But if it was a tennie tx or golf...oh my gosh! We would have print and TV! It'll piss you off just think'in 'bout it!

Earl, CBA will be on This N That in 2010.

Maybe you could pull a few strings :) on some other stuff for us.

Glad you and Don finally hooked up.


Not yet...He hasnt called but if you mentioned it to him, I'm certian we'll get in. I'm calling today!
this seems like a great thing. are these open tourneys ? if so how can i get more info.very impressive to all those involved congrats.