CFF #2 Harrison Bay *SIGN UP THREAD*

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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I've printed off about 20 extra copies I'll put in my truck... If someone forgets theirs there will be plenty to go around..
fischnrod - 3/29/2009 5:13 PM fischnrod and bassin machine plan to participate emoGeezer
</p> cannot use Grizzle and Colemans lowrance unit.emoTongue </p>

Your added.emoThumbsup </p>
<font face="helvetica" color="#0000cc" size="3">yellburt an bassERT plan on being there .have two intry forms laying on the table ready to sign...arent we going to use the same blast off as the first tx ,or am i going to have to draw the number one i will be in my boat an i will need to leave first or maybe i will let every body leave ,then i will take off .because i willbe the slowest one there...emoUSA </font>
I think we are going to blast as a group this time. We will still draw tokens to present at the weigh in to weigh your fish as far as I know, but we are looking at a group blastoff

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