CFF G'ville REPORTS **POST HERE** 3/3/2007

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jason - 3/4/2007 11:44 AM

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that if you didn't bring in a big didn't fish Mudd Creek! Swamp Donkey and I started in a creek off the river throwing traps, thinking it would be better to avoid the crowd in Mudd. We came up empty fishing the grassy flats and then came upon a rocky transition on the shore. I quickly tied on a black-n-blue jig and boated two keepers. We then ran over to Crow Creek, only to find that run-off had left us with about 3" of visibility. SD called TnDoe and she told him that they were culling and still in Mudd Creek
. We ran back down to where they were and started throwing the traps in a small cove. On about the third cast, I got nailed and then felt the line go slack. A couple of BFL guys cast to the same spot and reeled in a fat keeper. "You're right on top of where I just caught a 25lb sack!" the guy said as they left. We backed off found that we had been sitting on a small, stumpy ridge. A few casts later I boated a 4.5lbr after my trap smacked a stump. Immediately the wind picked up, making it nearly impossible to fish the spot. With an hour or so left, we left Mudd Creek and fished a small protected cove for a couple non-keepers.</p>

I'm still in awe after my first trip to Guntersville. I can't recall ever seeing so many fat, healthy largemouths at one time. While waiting in line to load SD's boat, I watched the BFL guys weigh sack after sack of 4lb plus fish. Our weigh-in was the same, if not better. Alabama should be proud of such a fine bass fishery.</p>

The most amazing thing about Mudd Creek, is,what you were looking at will look comletely differant in a few months. Except for the channel,almost evey inch will be covered with grass! It's awesome!!
I had a great time on the G, although I will have to say that I seem to catch a lot more fish on the Chick! First, thanks to Jmax for inviting me along. I want to make it clear to everyone that I caught all the fish we weighed in --- Yes you heard me correct, I caught them all each and every one of them ---- I caught them with the NET after Jmax snagged them with his LC lure! I fished a red 1/2 oz. red rattle trap with no luck, a chartruse spinner bait with no luck, a texas rigged worm (when the wind would allow) and no luck. In desperation I tried a june bug grub which I've done good with on tough days early in the spring and I did manage to catch a few fish, but they were all short. As Jim's post said, it was very frustrating for us until around 1:45. Unlike most everyone else who caught fish early and even had limits by 9:30 or 10:00 we sat out there and watched people catching fish all around us, but Jmax couldn't hardly catch anything and I don't think I could have caught anthing with dynamite! We finally figured out that we were throwing 1/2 oz. traps and our traps would sink too fast and get in the grass too deep. The people around us were thowing 1/4 oz. traps and could retrieve them slower and still keep them out of the grass. Our whole day should be an example to us all to never give up. With only 1 hour and 15 minutes to go and with two skinny fish which might have weighed 3 1/2 lbs. we moved to fish a couple of wind blown points ( and I do mean wind blown!!!) and ended up with 16 1/2 lbs. Again I don't want Jim's head to swell up so big his hat won't fit, but folks I have to say he put on an awesome display of fishing. I stayed busy netting his fish and it was unreal how he would say "ok, we need a good fish here" and then proceed to catch it, or "now we need a 3 pounder to cull our smallest fish" and he then caught one. I've never seen anything like it in so short a time. Congrats to everyone, especially Gray Bomber and Rooster on the biggest bag of fish I've ever seen and to the winners on a geat 20+ lb sack and to the girls for showing most of us men up. Thanks to Flip to putting it on and to RR for the consolation prizes. I feel like Jmax and I are the "consolation kids" after so many close finishes. It was great to see everyone.

I'm blessed beyond measure!
I too was a net man yesterday for Bprice. As he stated, since we hadn't got a chance to prefish any, we just put the trolling motor down and went fishing. I did catch 3 or 4 fish, all on a red rat-l-trap and caught one a smallie beaver and broke one off on that as well. I've heard about the honey hole behind the 2nd bridge, but am unsure of how to run between the bridges, someone want to show me how to run back there!!!! emoPoke What about guntersville, round 2 next weekend!!!!!!!! Good to see everyone. If anyone is ever down in west tennessee, give me a shout and we'll go try pickwick out! carl
Thanks there CCSM, I just tried to go through the doorway and both ears hit the frame at the same time.;) I never do give up until I head in. Big mouth Ik may be hard to swallow sometimes but he and I got the same idea on that one. This is the second best finish in the last minutes I have had. I can recall one other Tx where I got to the landing to go in and there was a line of folks so I had to wait. I checked my watch and saw I still had a few minutes so I starting fishing some lay downs by the ramp while waiting my turn. I boated a 4 lber and culled a 3. I won the Tx by less than a pound.emoEek The big G is one of those lakes that you are almost always one fish away from winning. I love that lake and gang I had a great time. Flip did a great job as usual and CCSM you are by far a wonderful friend and an excellent net man. We did not loose one fish by the boat and CCSM got every one of our fish with expert speed into the net.emoWorthy Jmax
Yanke Mike and I stayed in mud creek all day sailing around in the wind. Mike caught our two keepers on a storm swim bait. Me , I threw about 20 different color lippless and cranbaits with only a couple off small bass and crappie to show for it. Guntersville is still my favorite lake even though my last two trips there have been preety unproductive
First member tournament fished with CCF. What a great group. Fished Guntersville alone. Stayed in Mud Creek area till about eleven AM. Caught 8 fish three keepers. Fish were caught on Super Spot royal ded and Norman Fat Boy Crank. Total for cach was 9.08LBS. Needed those other two fish to limit pretty badly, considering all the great catches that were brought in. Great day at Guntersville . I think next time I will bring a kite!!!
I haven't posted yet because Churly pretty much summed our day up. He really anchored our bag with 4 of the keepers, he actually had another one that we got to cull. We realized about 6 hours too late that we should have just stayed in Mudd, but alas, we had fun, got soaked trying to run 5 miles in 5 foot whitecaps, and basically got whipped. I will be going back to the big G quite often I believe. I've only fished it 6 times and have never really connected but that's because I throw lures without hooks so I don't hurt the fish;)
Had a tough day on the G-ville for me. 4 fish and 2 keepers 1 keeper was caught on red trap and the other on a lizard. Caught all our fish on rock bank near a ditch line. Wanted to fish above the bridges, but thought the crowd was bad and the fish had been beat up from the BFL. Man was I wrong. Those were some impressive cateches guys and gals.

On another note made it back down to G-ville Monday. Fished from daylight to twelve. Got to love catching fish in less than a foot of water and having to knock ice out of reels. MAN WHAT A DIFFERENCE FOR ME TODAY. Got down river to some other humps and sloughs. I had 20.58 lbs by the scales by 9:00 am. Big fish was 6.78. Fish was caught at depths from 1 to 2 feet. Most fish caught on traps with the big fish on a jig.

Be back on the G saturday.
Could someone help a brother out. We are having a small tourney out of Mink Creek Sat. Mud Creek is too far of a run for the little money that this tourney pays, so not wanting any spots, but if someone could tell me if most were all the way in the back of the creek, and the kind of depths the fish were caught in it would be much appreciated.
Yes Mooseknuckle it was in the backs, in water from 1-4 foot deep. Have you fished around the campgrounds at Goosepond? Its usually good around there right now. Way in the back of North Sauty can be good too.
Thanks, Flip. I've fished around the golf course at Goose Pond. I kind of figured they were in the backs the way people had been talking just wanted to make sure.

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